How Playing The Joker Changed Heath Ledger For Good

who played the joker after heath ledger death

who played the joker after heath ledger death - win

Strahd is impersonating a party member, I believe my other players are unaware. But what do I do with the PC that I replaced, considering that they were Ireena's new love interest? Also how do you handle playing dark and cruel NPCs?

So one of my players has entered into a bit of a romantic relationship with Ireena. The PC (playing a female Assimar Rogue Thief) was working pretty hard on this after Ireena extended her a casual kindness as a thanks for escorting her to Vallaki. From there a lot of roleplay occurred and rolls were made, and Ireena has fallen for her back over the course of 20+ sessions. It has been a really interesting experience as a Game Master, I have never done anything like this. I truly have never had so much fun playing Dnd, I have also never felt this much dread.
They know that Strahd wants Ireena, they don’t know why and to what extent. I have been wrestling with how exactly Strahd would react to this development. I’ve had him just kind of lurking in the background watching from afar. But 3 sessions ago, things between Ireena and the Rogue got a bit steamy, this is the point at which I decided Strahd can no longer abide this development.
I sought advice from this sub on the matter as I was a bit undecided. One of the suggestions I got was to have Ireena receive a Dream visit. The Dream would convince Ireena that the Rogue is actually dangerous and is only using her, I liked this idea and decided to that. So in game the Rogue and Ireena are spending the night together and the Rogue awakens to a trembling Ireena. She was eventually able to get one of the Cerlics to cast dispel magic, they rolled a 23, breaking the spell. So Strahd could not cause the damage he needed to.
So a session later, I came up with another idea, swap places with the Rogue. So this last session, the Rogue was chasing a suspect in the disappearance of children in Vallaki. She chased them out of the town and out of sight of the party, it was at this point I sprang the trap. She failed the save on his Charm and fell under his influence. He sent her away to the castle and disguised himself as her, then resume the chase.
Mechanically what I have done is I told the player that they are now playing a Strahd who is impersonating them. I trust this player a lot and feel absolutely confident that she can pull it off, and to her credit I feel she has done a fantastic job so far. I was hoping that the swap would occur a little later in the session so that I could have a proper conversation with her, but I gave her the basics of what is going on, what Strahd’s goal here is, and what constraints he has to follow in order to not be found out.
So she has been playing more brutally, and being a little rude to Ireena, making her wonder if she truly knows the Rogue. They have made it to Van Richten’s tower now (they be chasing Werewolves), which I have replaced with my own homebrew because reasons.
Overall, I think this has been going very well and I was very excited at the prospect of how the drama would unfold. But now I am being forced to confront a different problem, one that is simultaneously a personal one and a game one. Obviously Strahd has nothing but contempt for the Rogue, he wants her to suffer. Simple death is not a punishment he would feel is severe enough for what she has done. So in my mind he would have Rahadin torture her in the meantime, until he can come back to do it personally.
Which leads me to my personal problem, has anyone dealt with their own feelings playing someone so cruel? It is a little off putting dealing with my own darkness in this manner. It is a little distressing, probably because of how I roleplay. I don’t know if anyone else does this, but if I had to relate how I roleplay to being a professional actor, I am a method actor. I embody the characters I play, I get very into their mindset and who they are. This is both a boon and a curse, a boon because I can very accurately play them well and make decisions that feel realistic and even roleplay them very convincingly. It is a curse because in a lot of ways I AM these characters, and it can put their persona at odds with my own, it can also cause me to become depressed when they are gone just as the death of a close friend would. Heath Ledger famously delt with this in his role as the Joker in the Dark Knight, I don’t think what I am going through is as severe as him, but just for some context. What I am dealing with is the darkness of Strahd’s actions, it is so sinister and evil, I just want to know if I am alone on this.
The second issue, what outcome should I have for the Rogue. Strahd will NOT kill her, it is to good for her (from his perspective) she is also more useful “alive”. He could turn her into a vampire spawn and literally send her against the party. He could have sit at the table at the “dinner” just taunting the party. He could murder her right there in front of them for pure shock value. He could command her to do any number of depraved acts against the party or to Ireena directly. He could just keep her in the dungeons and torture her and break her mind with magic, so even if she is rescued, she would never be the same. Personally, I am leaning towards that last one, dark as that one is. Perhaps you have a better idea, or one of these sounds better than the one I like? It wouldn’t be the first time this sub has steered me in a better direction.
For the curious, the Rogue’s player is going to take over Ireena when Strahd reveals himself. I am preparing a diary of sorts for Ireena in order to give her the most drilled down way I see Ireena myself. From there I trust that she will take Ireena in new and interesting directions as she decides how best to tackle the problems of Strahd, regaining her lover, and her primary character.
TL;DR - Strahd is a very dark and cruel character for a method acting approach, are there any other DMs out there that have a hard time playing this type of character? One of my PCs has been abducted by Strahd and he is now impersonating them in the party, what do I do with that PC (considering that they were Ireena's new love interest)?
submitted by novadragon07 to CurseofStrahd [link] [comments]

I tried to enjoy The Dark Knight again, but I can't stand it. But I really want to like it.....

Hi, I wanted to share/vent some thoughts about The Dark Knight after having just finished watching it for what's probably the 5th time. Just a quick precursor because some people on the internet seem to be extremely sensitive - I'm not trying to troll/whine/offend those who love this movie. I'm writing this to hopefully get some understanding as to why it is so highly regarded not just as a superhero movie, but as a movie in general.
My main issue with this movie is it's pacing and editing style. There is zero breathing room throughout this ordeal. It feels like 5 hours worth of movie edited and chopped down to fit 2.5 hours. The quick cut editing is a reflection of this. It's like Nolan is saying "ok got to get to the next scene ASAP because a hundred thousand things have to happen and we only have 1.5 minutes per sequence...go go go". As a result, for me, this movie feels extremely messy.
I understand that this may have been done for stylistic reasons. As in it's a reflection of the Joker creating chaos. Despite what he says, he does have a plan and is indeed "ahead of the curve", therefore we as the audience are constantly playing catch up. I get this idea and it's a very good idea. But I just feel like it was executed poorly.
A few examples of bad execution: I felt very little about Rachel's death. The reason being that one, it was a different actress, and secondly we don't get much time to soak it in. Another example: Dent's fall from grace. It took a 5 minute hospital scene for the Joker to turn Dent into a murdering psychopath. Nope, don't buy it. His fall from grace is ridiculously abrupt. Hilariously abrupt. Another example, the two boats with bombs scene. There was no build up to this whole thing, it just goes straight from everyone in Gotham trying to kill the accountant guy to a hugely important boat scene at the end. Then the boat scene ends and it goes to Dent who have already kidnapped Gordon's family and the rest happens. My point is things just happen in this movie one after an other with absolutely ZERO time to breathe in between. It just feels like a list of things being checked off without any art or breathing time.
So my question to other fellow movie lovers I missing something here? The Dark Knight is held in enormously high regard. And that's why I'm frustrated. I'm frustrated that I can't see the quality in this mess of a movie. If someone could, without insulting me (as is the default mode of communication on the web), explain why they love this movie so much I'd be very grateful, just so that perhaps I could try to see this movie through their eyes.
Edit: Wow guys I'm pretty amazed by the amount of response my post has garnered. Really interesting to see so many opinions, and it turns out that I am not alone in my thoughts about this movie.
I will say though that despite it's many problems, some things really do shine. Obviously Heath Ledger's Joker is one of the great performances of all time. Hans Zimmer did an amazing job with the score, Like a Dog Chasing Cars is my favourite. And Nolan did an incredible job with the visuals and technical aspects of the direction, as he always does.
I'm thankful that 99% of responders stated their thoughts in a way that wasn't defensive or insulting, that is really great to see. I think the internet has lowered my expectation from people, so I'm grateful for such a great subreddit that is home to such reasonable people.
submitted by Farhannius1 to TrueFilm [link] [comments]

Roles should be recast if an actor dies or is fired.

I feel compelled to write this after the season finale of Mandalorian, so if you haven't seen it yet, please do not read this and come back to it once you have, or if you don't watch Mandalorian, maybe you've seen something else with this problem.
Hollywood needs to recast actors for the sake of telling the story that needs to be told in movies and tv. Death is a natural part of life and it will take all of us some day, but you don't just stop telling the story in a large franchise like Star Wars because someone passed.
My first example of this is Dumbledore in Harry Potter. The untimely death of Richard Harris caused them to recast Dumbledore and for better or worse we got what we got; in this instance, we got a wonderful recast with Michael Gambon. And now with the Amber Heard bullshit, WB fired Johnny Depp(which sucks) and is being replaced by Mads Mikkelsen.
My second example is Heath Ledger. His final film, he passed away while still filming and the production decided to do something very different in casting 3 other actors to all play the same role to continue the story. Nolan should have recast Joker for Dark Knight Rises and him doing so ultimately made TDKR the weakest of the trilogy.
Terrence Howard was fired from Iron Man 2 for being a greedy fuck face trying to get more money than the actual star of the franchise, so they decided to replace him with Don Cheadle who was 100 times better.
I get that Chadwick Boseman did a great job as Black Panther, but it would be a huge mistake to not recast T'Challa and continue Black Panther. It's a great story that should be continued.
And now I bring it back to Star Wars. The death of Carrie Fischer was a heavy one. The choice to not recast her really messed up the story telling process for Rise of Skywalker. They said that they had plenty of unseen footage that they used to fill in the gaps of the story for TROS, but if you watch any of the making of it, you can tell quite a bit of it didn't really fit. They should have recast Leia to tell the real story they were trying to convey with the finale of the trilogy. Now with The Mandalorian, they should have cast Sebastian Stan to play Luke Skywalker in the finale that just aired instead of deep faking Mark Hamill onto a body double. Sebastian looks just like young Mark and even thought the episode was awesome, the deep fake brought the episode down.
We need to stop putting actors up on pedestals simply because we love their rendition of a character and let Hollywood tell the stories that they're trying to tell.
submitted by darthraxus to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]

Does One Have To Take Willingly The Mark Of The Beast Even If He Did Not Know The MessengerRNA Rewrites His DNA?

Does One Have To Take Willingly The Mark Of The Beast Even If He Did Not Know The MessengerRNA Rewrites His DNA?

Yes. And everyone who took the MOTB is willing. They also go back to take the second shot. Every mRNA containing vaccine needs the two bite marks of a serpent, the meaning of the Greek word Charagma that was translated to the English word, "mark".

Three things that will nail the last generation before the Second Coming of Messiah
- Worship of the beast
- Worship of his image
- Taking the mark of the beast

I have been asked a handful of times how taking the Pfizer or other messenger RNA containing vaccines by innocent persons may count toward "willingly" taking what they did not know to be the mark of the beast (in a vial) -- the sting that is like the tails of scorpions in the fifth trumpet.
Let us take a look at the death of a Jew and a gentile in the past. These men were off'd in a ritual on an appointed day as a part of the collection from the deeds that they agreed earlier in life for gaining fame and fortune, success and renown. These men of renown did not agree willingly to be off'd on the day that they passed. It was a collection issue of a promise given earlier. You owe the devil rent, he will come to knock on the door because a deal is a deal. He does thing legally to the Torah. He is actually Torah-observant. The neo-Christians will tell us something different from their caricatures of the devil.
1. Jew -- Heath Ledger (28) 11/22/2008
Ledger died on 22 January 2008 as a result of an accidental overdose of medications. A few months before his death, Ledger had finished filming his role as the Joker in The Dark Knight.
2. Gentile -- Tyler Skaggs (27) 7/1/2019
#45 of the Los Angeles Angels dead at 27, July 2019 10 years after his drafting.
He died in Texas where the Angels were set to play the Texas Rangers Monday.
The devil entered them in his book of death (Thanatos). He will appoint a time to collect them as long as they are not sealed by God by then.
Which of these people who took the Pfizer & Co messenger RNA did not celebrate Christmas like a religion?
I wager no one.
So there is really no such "innocent" and "clueless" taking of the mark of the beast. They are all in the same family.
Y'shua answered, “Truly, truly I say to you, unless someone is born of water and spirit, he is not able to enter into the kingdom of God. 6 What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit. "
I will tell y'all one thing. A born anew soul will never even think to worship the beast or take the mark of the beast BECAUSE the Holy Spirit will warn him or her.
submitted by pregadorchuck to Messianics_For_Yeshua [link] [comments]

[Fri, Jan 22 2021] TL;DR — This is what you missed in the last 24 hours on Reddit


'Fat but fit' is a myth when it comes to heart health, new study shows
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Tokyo Olympics to be cancelled for coronavirus: report
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City of London to remove statues linked to slavery trade
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FBI ups reward to $75,000 for suspect who placed pipe bombs during Capitol riot
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Japan privately concludes Tokyo Olympics should be cancelled due to coronavirus
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Parler loses bid to have service restored by Amazon
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Domestic violence surged by 23% during initial coronavirus lockdowns, driven by an increase in sexual and psychological abuse associated with economic stress, according to a new study from Spain
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New research suggests that the use of terms like “Wuhan flu” and “Chinese virus” by conservative media outlets and Republican figures had a measurable impact on unconscious bias against Asian Americans. The study found that implicit bias increased after the use of such phrases went viral.
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New Maps Show Forests Absorb Twice as Much Carbon as They Release Each Year. The continued destruction of the world’s largest tropical forests - 11.9 million hectares of tropical tree cover was lost in 2019 alone - makes them less powerful carbon sinks.
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NASA Lends Moon Rock for Oval Office Display
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One hull crack located in ISS, another one suspected
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Haggis launched to the edge of space in celebration of Burns Night
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Elon Musk offers $100M prize for best carbon capture technology
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Blind Man Regains Sight After 1st Synthetic Cornea Implantation By Israel's CorNeat
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A personalized cancer vaccine produced long-lasting anti-tumor response in patients with melanoma. 4 years after vaccination, all the patients were alive, with immune system cells active not only against tumor cells with those proteins, but also spread to other proteins in those tumor cells.
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At 9:21 tonight, it will be the 21st minute of the 21st hour of the 21st day of the 21st year of the 21st century. What will you be doing?
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What is the equivalent of "Apple removed 3.5mm jack" of your favorite products ?
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What brings the worst out in people?
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TIL that US president Calvin "Silent Cal" Coolidge used to buzz for his secret service and then would hide under his desk while they frantically searched for him
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TIL that despite increases in computer power, each Shrek film has taken about twice as many hours to render as the one before it. Dreamworks calls this "Shrek's Law".
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TIL at the peak of the financial crisis of 2008 Volkswagen became the most valuable company in the world for one day despite being on the brink of bankruptcy
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Trump is the only president not to register a 50% job approval rating at any point in his presidency since Gallup began measuring presidential job approval in 1938 (Avg Record-Low 41%)
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My 7yr Old Brother is a Better Chef Than Me
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[Homemade] Ethiopian Dinner - Injera, Yemiser We't, Yetakelt We't, Beef Tibs
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[Homemade] Beef Bourguignon
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‘No Time To Die’ Release Date Pushed to October 8
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Bernie The Jewels, me, ink and digital, 2020
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Biden Inauguration Captures Bigger Audience Than Donald Trump’s
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Mira Furlan, ‘Babylon 5’ and ‘Lost’ Actress, Dies at 65
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Russell T Davies says Doctor Who should have Marvel-style shared universe of spin-offs
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Welcome back Dr. Fauci!
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Yesterday, I became a proud American! Can’t wait to start my first-gen college here
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I am officially 3 years brain cancer free today! I think my scar has healed nicely..
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Fauci is happier with now
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Unused Disposable Surgical Mask under a microscope, focus stacked and with applied wiggling effect (wiggle stereoscopy):
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The way this Dutch company makes the biscuits easier to pick them up
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This warning message came with touchless soap dispenser
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This mirror portrait was taken 100 years ago in Japan
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A German city has installed a number of pods for homeless people fitted with thermal insulation to sleep in
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Yes, Bollywood physics are fun, but we never talk about Mexican TV shows realism
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there's always tomorrow
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Man gets scared when his dog plays dead.
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Doesn't matter how badass you are, sometimes ya just need your pooh bear
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mistakes were made
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Adult German shepherd with dwarfism
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Random Subreddit of the day: dishonored

These are its 3 top posts of all time:
Im not the only one who thinks this right?
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Emily is definitely Corvo's Daughter.
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So inconspicuous
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submitted by _call-me-al_ to RedditTLDR [link] [comments]

50 State Nightmares (Expanded)

A continuation of this great video explaining the official state nightmares of the entire US
Tool used:


[Edit] I did more because they are comedy gold:

Original Script (Try it yourself!):

submitted by CherryLax to AIfreakout [link] [comments]


This series has been renowned for its prestigious cast and antagonists, delicately written and amplified by some of the most dexterous actors in the business. What no better way to honor that than to do a ranking of them with some details thrown in; plus mentions of notable side villains. Starting with the main players (My ranking starts out with what's supposed to be 6, then goes down to 1).
  1. Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow (Cillian Murphy): Much like The Joker, this fear doctor’s motives are kept in the dark. He’s not particularly deep like the five other major antagonists, but everything else about him is done to a sharp tune. Jonathan’s twisted love of science and using the fear gas to experiment with his victims, particularly Carmine Falcone, somewhat makes him like a twisted version of Sid from Toy Story. Cillian’s performance is subtly intimidating, snide and charming. Moments including him being gassed and interrogated by Batman, and him riding a horse in a cloud of fear gas are key in the first film. He’s the only villain in any Batman picture thus far to appear in three films- including his standout appearance as the hanging judge in The Dark Knight Rises; which plays an integral role in what makes that films’ social revolution aspect so compelling, and he makes himself memorable in those scenes despite a combined near two minutes of screentime.
  2. Miranda Tate/Talia al Ghul (Marion Cotillard): Talia is the most divisive character in the series, but I stand by though that Marion Cotillard does a fantastic job with her (despite her four-second passing out death, which otherwise doesn’t hinder the films’ quality that much, big deal). Miranda starts out pure and charismatic, as she (apparently) wanted to bring Bruce out of his three-year seclusion (not eight as some have wrongfully assumed). Her misleading motives are sprinkled included picking up the weight of Bruce’s seclusion through a charity ball, and wanting to use the fusion reactor even after being rejected by Bruce. Hints to her true lineage come in waves, including a tender scene with her and Bruce as his life started to crumble again- her telling him about how her poor family felt rich through being by the fire. She contributes to The League of Shadows in ensuring that Gotham City would become a landscape for ruin for as long as it could for the bomb to annihilate them- including plugging herself into resistance movements so that Bane’s men could kill the special forces agents in horrific fashion, then the capture of Gordon and his partners. Her backstory with Bane and her father leaves an emotional impact, adding to the former’s humanity; also drawing influence from Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities- Bane is Monsieur Defarge to Talia's Madame Defarge. She has some terrific moments like her “The slow knife that cuts deepest” speech to Batman, and her cold look that she gives as she tells her henchman to “Shoot them all” as they kill Deputy Foely. Her inclusion doesn’t make Bane a lesser character but adds to their motives, an ally and his human side (he’s not a henchman, they’re collaborators).
  3. Harvey Dent/Two-Face (Aaron Eckhart): In the Company of Men, Erin Brockovich and Thank You for Smoking are pronounced roles in Mr. Eckhart’s filmography; and precursors to his one that’s most well-known to the public. He brings an effortless bravado to Harvey Dent, as seen in his courtroom introduction with Maroni and a defendant who fake-shoots him; moments like this imbue him with a sense of character for people to latch onto in TDK aside from the classic clown prince of crime. He also has an emotionally authentic side, making him not merely a wolf in sheep’s clothing; as shown with Rachel Dawes and his commitment to making Gotham a better place. His transformation into Two-Face is heartbreaking, and built up with his frustration towards the justice system and near-murder of the schizophrenic Schiff Thomas. Some believed that his arc was being radiated to make him to become the next big bad in the third installment, but that idea was overturned early on in the making of TDK. It made perfect sense as to not force sequel-bait, plus he wouldn’t have survived long with the scars and his tragedy is the hanging balance of the story. Harvey leaves more than a strong impression, and importance that shall not be forgotten; especially when the dystopian future of TDKR becomes a sad mirror of everything that “this fallen idol” strived for.
  4. Henri Ducard/Ra’s al Ghul (Liam Neeson): Much like Metal Gear Solids’ Big Boss; he in some ways serves as a foundation for the trilogy, as well as the shoulder devil for Bruce in the first half of Batman Begins. Liam has become notorious for his archetype/roller-coaster action pictures; but in 2005, he sizzled the screen with his small role in Kingdom of Heaven and this. Ra’s is about as radical as you could imagine for the leader of an ancient terrorist organization, but the way his dialogue is written and Liam’s performance makes you understand where he’s coming from. From a comics to film standpoint, the change of Ra’s al Ghul’s ethnicity makes enough sense here- If Ducard was Arabic, it would’ve been obvious that the Decoy Ra’s wasn’t real; and to not depict an Arabian man attacking a city a few years after 9/11. Ra’s, Bane and Talia are all Moroccan/Middle-Eastern; which still makes them foreigners/somewhat like the comics, plus Nolan valuing talent above all so this all makes sense.
  5. The Joker (Heath Ledger): Not hard to guess, as Heath’s immortalized performance magnetized me from day one of seeing it. All of his tics, influences and horrifying motives and actions, Heath’s transformation have been discussed ad nauseum. All for good reason, “the Coca-Cola of fear” as described by critic Robbie Collin.
I have reservations about him outside of the film, more so some of the egregious fan perspectives that came up over time (of which I’m an often reluctant member of). Some act as if he’s the only reason that made TDK successful, or that he should’ve returned in TDKR- all are hokum. Joker is an integral part of a well-oiled machine, what made TDK explode in the mainstream; as well as Bruce’s story arc. He appears out of thin air in Gotham, is stopped by Batman and last seen laughing before abruptly cutting to the climax with Harvey Dent. His absence in TDKR only strengthens the film; as it doesn’t rely on him to build the story- respecting Heath Ledger’s recent passing while giving him a Voldemort effect in how the people of Gotham refuse to acknowledge him- that’s great writing. All three films successfully revolve around Batman and Gotham, the fact that we got an award-winning and resonant character for many like this Joker is just one part of the whole puzzle.
  1. Bane (Tom Hardy): He very well competes with The Joker for my favorite antagonist in the trilogy, and it’s easy to see why certain people prefer him to the latter. Not taking comic book lore into account, he was the perfect choice for the final chapter rather than just settling for The Riddler or The Joker (again). Hardy made Bane his own in addition to the writing. He’s in a constant state of pain, with an animalistic glide of fighting and movement. A lot of horror about his past lies behind his impeccable facial expressions; especially in The Pit where Bane ensures that Bruce made it in there alive, and to know what lied in store for him- his body language in that scene is great. His introduction on the plane, battle with Batman and speech at Blackgate Prison are all incendiary. Hiding behind the guise of a helper of the people; he is surreal but also real, in how many in our own world can believe a madman under the right circumstances. The Nolan brothers could’ve simply written him as a tough guy (like his dreadful depiction in Batman and Robin) or an occasional roadblock for the dark knight; but they went beyond expectations and crafted an emotional and believable malefactor.
Honorable side-villains:
  1. Salvatore Maroni (Eric Roberts): Eric Roberts is macho, charismatic and sardonic as this mobster; who despite being a smaller role plays an important factor in the events of TDK. In The Fire Rises documentary; Scott Foundas of Variety Magazine cited Eric Roberts as an example of Nolan's Tarantino type-ability to bring seasoned actors from past decades into smaller-scale, notable appearances in these three films- same can be said for his other movies.
  2. Barsad (Josh Stewart): The voice actor for CASE in Nolan’s Interstellar also pays importance here as Barsad. He’s seen as Bane’s right-hand man/sniper throughout TDKR, played often quietly but chillingly by Josh. He’s integral to the opening as he pretends to be a Uzbekistan mercenary, handing over Bane and his cohorts to CIA agents, having already gained their trust; and for the rest of the film speaking in an American one (or English). Aside from the context of the film; he’s named after turncoat spy John Barsad from A Tale of Two Cities, and could very well be an homage to the infamous Deadshot (as Selina Kyle’s partner Jen is an homage to Holly Robinson).
  3. John Daggett, TDKR (Ben Mendelsohn)
  4. Carmine Falcone, BB (Tom Wilkinson)
  5. The Chechen, TDK (Ritchie Coster)- Despite having some characteristics of a typical Russian gangster, also has a level of respectability and sophistication.
  6. Phillip Stryver, TDKR (Burn Gorman)
submitted by JohnnyRock110 to TheDarkKnightTrilogy [link] [comments]

I'm still glad that TDKR didn't acknowledge Joker during The Dark Knight Rises, or recasted him.

As successful as The Dark Knight Trilogy is among fans, critics and audiences; there are its detractors. A lot of people missed Heath Ledger and still do to this day, and there's been speculation about what his role would've been if he hadn't passed away. On one hand it would've been cool to see Joker have a cameo or an interaction with Bane; but taking the film for what it is I'm glad that it stood on its own without him. The Joker wasn't acknowledged out of respect for Ledger after his death as Nolan has stated, and that brings me to two grievances I've had around contrary perspectives:
1- Some people brought up this idea that he should've been acknowledged in TDKR but approaching it from the filmmaker's perspective, it can be completely understandable why he didn't want to account for his absence given that he and Ledger worked closely together during the second film. The way that some of these comments I've read that questioned Nolan's choice in the past came off as cold and unrelenting ("Even to a guy like me that's cold!"). As much as it is our right to judge these films and have different perspectives, I think it's still important to understand why the filmmakers did what they did. I also love how some fans who griped about this apparently had no problem with that Ra's Al Ghul and The League of Shadows weren't directly mentioned in TDK, but not mentioning The Joker is somehow a sin. Understandably he's the most iconic villain in the trilogy and the butterfly effect of his actions on Gotham; but there's also the argument that it makes sense why he wouldn't be mentioned in TDKR, given the turmoil that he caused and how people are still trying to move on from what he did. It's also interesting given that Joker appears out of thin air in Gotham, is stopped by Batman and is last seen laughing before abruptly cutting to the climax with Harvey Dent. I've mentioned in comments on my last TDKR related post that his absence has a Voldemort like effect, feeling his presence without even needing to say his name; and I dare even say that's great writing! TDK also didn't focus on the villains from Batman Begins, which helped it to carve its own story and themes. Did Marlon Brando need to be in The Godfather Part II for it to be iconic? No. Did Roy Batty have to be seen or mentioned in Blade Runner 2049 to remain consistent with the first film? No, and the film stood on its own; same with TDKR.
2- Some of the most disgusting comments that I've ever read said that Nolan should've replaced Heath Ledger for The Joker and used him again (as if there weren't already a lot of Joker portrayals in Batman media already). Like what I brought up in my first point this comes from more of a difference of opinion with the filmmakers than a legitimate criticism. If you felt that Joker should've been reused in TDKR, fine; but with this notion I brought up there's also a lack of understanding what effect that this possibly would've had. With the post Dark Knight hype could you imagine the backlash that the filmmakers would've received if they'd actually replaced Ledger? A lot of people are passionate about not remaking Back to the Future or The Crow which had Brandon Lee's iconic performance, so it wouldn't be hard to think that people would be very upset if a new Joker was cast that soon. This is different from other situations of this type; like Jim Varney who voiced Slinky in the Toy Story franchise being replaced in Toy Story 3 since it's a smaller character, or recasting Dick Hallorann in Doctor Sleep since the first actor Scatman Crothers passed away in 1986. Besides what good would come of just making The Dark Knight 2.0?
I roll my eyes when I see people say that Joker was intended to be in TDKR as fact because there's no exact confirmation of what Nolan intended, and he's known for focusing on films one at a time. The closest that at least I've found is that Two-Face was going to survive and become the villain of the third film, then they decided to wrap up his arc at the end of TDK. Of course it was said by Ledger's sister that he wanted to return in the role, though he passed away after it was done being filmed. Nolan intended to do a third film only if he felt it would be a satisfying ending for Bruce's story, and I firmly believe that this notion that he didn't want to do it because of Ledger's death rings false to me. As much as I love Ledger as an actor it seems like some people in film discussion forget that the trilogy revolves primarily around Batman and Gotham, and they act like the success and story of the films revolve around The Joker or that he somehow overshadows Batman (which he doesn't because the latter has more screen time). Joker became one part of a larger story, and I'm glad that Nolan stuck to that even if some disagree. Of course he also brought in new characters like Bane and the return of The League of Shadows (which aligns with the comic book story Batman: Legacy); which solidifies their legacy in the world that Nolan created and given how integral they are to Bruce's origin. This probably wouldn't have happened if Nolan just played it safe and used The Joker as the primary villain again, or The Riddler which probably would've made it too similar to the psychological battle of TDK.
submitted by JohnnyRock110 to batman [link] [comments]

Doomslayer Joins MK11(Koncept)

“Rip and Tear,until it is Done.”


Skin 1:DOOM 2016 Skin
Skin 2:Klassic DOOM 2 Skin
Skin 3:Sentinel Training Armor
Skin 4:DOOM Eternal Praetor suit
Kombat Pack Skin:Doomicorn


Intro 1:Ripping Imps
An Imp flies into the Camera as the Doomslayer grabs it,and Rips it in Two.

Intro 2:That Kind of Revenant
A Revenant Flies over,and Doomslayer Grabs it,as he Ribs off it’s Head.

Intro 3:Man on a Mission
Walks through a Portal,and Reloads his Super Shotgun.

Outro 1:Khan Makyr’s Last Stand
The Khan Makyr attacks Doom Guy as he uses his Meathook to reach her.

Outro 2:It’s Done
Kneels down,like he is Taking a Praetor suit Token.

Outro 3:The Final Sin
The Icon of Sin Picks up Doom Guy,as he uses his Chainsaw into its in the Head.


Gear 1:Helmet
-Praetor Suit Helmet
-Klassic DOOM 2 Helmet
-Doomicorn Helmet

Gear 2:Chainsaw
-Maybe Leatherface’s Chainsaw?
-Klassic DOOM Chainsaw
-DOOM Eternal Chainsaw

Gear 3:Shotgun
-If you can’t already tell,I’ve only Played Doom 2016 and Eternal.I don’t know much about the Lore,I’m still trying to figure out everything,but I couldn’t wait to do this Kharacter,before anyone else did it.


Main Playstyle:
Focuses on Mixups,and some Grabs.

Throw:Stabs in gut with Doom Blade,then Shoots with Shotgun.
*Krush:If last Throw was a Failed Escape.
*Brutality:If you Press Forward 3 Times,you Blow them to Shreds.
Back Throw:Chainsaws through Gut,then Spins to Other Side,as he Punches them.
*Brutality:Cuts off Top Half of Body,then Stabs in Head with Blade.

Fatal Blow:Until it is Done
Startup:Uses his Meathook to Grab his Foe.
Pulls his Foe into his Fist,then pulls out his Big Fucking Gun 9000.He uses his Doom Blade to Throw the Bad Guy away,then Fires his BFG,to Obliterate them,ending it with a Final Slice from his Crucible.

Special Moves:
Meathook:Pulls Himself over to Foe,like a Reverse Scorpion.Ends by Punching Away.
-Meter Burn:Grabs his Enemy,and Puts their Head to his Knee.
*Krush:If Meter Burn hits Someone at Max Range.
Equipment Launcher:Fires a Frag Grenade at a Chosen Range.
-Meter Burn:Knocks into Air for a Followup.
*Brutality:If Meter Burn hits as the 6th Hit in a Kombo.
Chaingun:Fires a Series of Rounds from his Chaingun.Can be Extended,at the Cost of Stamina,or Aimed up and Down,also costing Offensive Stamina.
*Krush:If you Use at Least 1 Bar of Stamina without actually hitting someone,then hit.
Blood Punch:A Short Range hit,with Long Knockback.
-Meter Burn:Staggers opponent for Followups.
*Krush:If you Blood Punch someone who was Already Staggered by Blood Punch.
*Brutality:Destroys Entire body with One Punch.

Equipped Moves:
Rocket Launcher:Fires a Missile.Replaces Chaingun.
-Meter Burn:Becomes a Targeting Missile.
*Krush:If you Hit someone with a Meter Burn from Short Range.
Chaingun Overhaul:Changes the Move,it is now a Simple Few Shot.
-Meter Burn:Gains Armor,and Longer Stream of Fire from it’s Second Mod.
*Brutality:If you Hit someone as a Punish,the Gun Tears the Foe down to just Skin.
Freeze Grenade:Replaces Equipment Launcher,instead Freezing,but doing no Damage.
-Meter Burn:Fires 2 Freezing Grenades,one Close,one Medium Range.
Crucible Cut:Does an Uppercut with his Crucible out,like Nightwolf’s Back 2.
-Meter Burn:Does a Second Cut,for Followups.Replaces Blood Punch.
*Brutality:If your Meter Burn Crucible Cut was the First hit of the Game.
*Krush:If you Hit in a Kombo that has at Least 9 Hits already.
Plasma Rifle:Shoots a Few shots from his Plasma Rifle.
-Meter Burn:Fires a Heat Blast after,with Huge Damage.
*Brutality:If Heat Blast Hits for at Least the Third Time.
Plasma Beam:Fires a Microwave Beam,conflicts with Plasma Rifle.
*Brutality:If you Hit someone at Far Range.
Demon Ender:Stabs in Side with Chainsaw,then Rips it Out.Good Kombo Ender.
-Meter Burn:More Damage,Has Armor.
*Krush:If you Hit in a Kombo that has done at Least 66 Damage.
Spark Splitter:Uses Chainsaw to Sweep Low and Spread Sparks.
-Meter Burn:Moves Forward and Stabs in Crotch with Chainsaw.
Forged in Hell:Stabs in Center with Sword,then uses Flame from Launcher to Burn.
-Meter Burn:Does More Damage,and Lasts Longer.
*Brutality:Burns Face off,then Decapitates.



1.Glory Kill
Puts both his Hands through Chest,then Rips in Half.As their Exposed Heart and Lungs Beat,Doomslayer uses his Chainsaw to cut them from the Top Right Shoulder,to the Bottom Left Hip.It freeze Frames as the Top Half of the Corpse falls off.

2.Lord of the Revenants
Tosses into the Air,and as they Fall,a Revenant(From Doom) Fire Missiles at them,and Collide with the Revenant.Doomslayer jumps behind the Two,and Stabs them both with the Crucible.As he pulls it out,the Opponent Explodes,and Doomslayer Freeze Frames Holding his Flaming Sword in the Air.

Friendship:New Horizons
Doomslayer sits down on the Floor,and Takes out his Nintendo Switch(Trademark),and begins to play a Vaguely Animal Crossing Game.We see Doomguy walking around an Island,Chopping Trees,Fishing,and Going into his Tent,before coming out to do it all Again.



Joker:The Strong and Silent Type!
Doomguy:(Grunts in Anger)
Joker:You’ll be Nearly as Much Fun as my Other Friend!

Johnny Cage:Do I know you from Somewhere?
Johnny Cage:Now I remember,19% Right?

Shang Tsung:You Killed the Revenants?
Shang Tsung:You Will Pay for Tampering with my Plans.

Spawn:We could make a Great Team.
Doomguy:(Nods in Silence)
Spawn:Rip and Tear Mother Fucker!



Like every other DLC Kharacter,Doomslayer comes with a Skin Pack,this time for Kharacters in the First Kombat Pack!

Skin-Betrayal of Edenia
(Her Outfit from Mortal Kombat Deception)
Glitz and Glam-The Perfect Reunion
(Klassic Hair,White Eyes.)
Boots-Style of Shang Tsung’s Betrayal
Kwan Dao-Gift of the Bodyguard
(Similar in Appearence to Jade’s Glaive from MKD.)

Skin-The Redemption
(The Redeemer,a Recurring Villain in Spawn Comics.)
Greaves-Angela’s Battle Worn Boot
Vambrace-Holy Burning Light
Cape-Wings of Redemption
(Spawn finally Gets his Angel Wings!)

Skin-Agent of Khaos
(Heath Ledger’s Appearence in “The Dark Knight.”)
Disguise-Why so Serious?
(His Hair)
Weapon-A Death in the Family
(A Bloody Crowbar)
Jack in the Box-Everybody Loves Rachel


I’ve only Ever Played the 2 Most Recent DOOM games,so I might have gotten stuff wrong.Corrections are much Appreciated.
submitted by Silverhero10 to MKcharacterConcepts [link] [comments]

What are your Top 10 favourite sequels that you loved more than the first film?

What are your Top 10 favourite sequels that you loved more than the first film?
What are your Top 10 favourite sequels that you loved more than the first film
When movies make a sequel, it can often be impossible to live up to the original, depending on how successful and great the original movie was. But there will be a few times where the sequel actually manages to outdo the first film! Here, I want to talk about my ten personal favourite movie sequels that were better than the first movie. I just want to say that these are all my opinion. I would absolutely love to see what sequels you loved more than the first film! Anyway, onto the list!
My Top 10 Sequels That Were Better Than The First Film
10.) Godzilla 2: King of the Monsters
Starting off with my list is this new movie, Godzilla: King of the Monsters. The first movie was alright for the most part. Godzilla was pretty cool but one of my biggest nitpicks was that there was way too much humans on-screen that Godzilla. The sequel mostly improved on that, by giving us a little more Godzilla this time, while also doing what good sequels should do, expand on the first film. This movie had excellent monster fights and the Godzilla vs Ghidorah fight was perfect. While the humans still had a little more screen-time than needed, the monster moments make up completely for that.
9.) Batman Returns
I may find quite a few hardcore Batman fans disagree with me about this but I don’t care. Batman Returns is WAY better than the original film in my opinion. While the first movie is without a doubt an amazing game changer for comic book movies, giving us a dark and gritty superhero movie, I just feel that what Batman did, Batman Returns did way better. The Penguin was far more memorable than the Joker, and I absolutely loved the romance between Batman/Bruce Wayne and Catwoman/Selina Kyle.
8.) Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Not only my favourite MCU sequel, but favourite MCU film as a whole. With how confusing the watch order the MCU can be sometime, since The Avengers was more of a Captain America sequel and then Winter Soldier was a third Captain America story, I still found The Winter Soldier to be way superior to the first Captain America film. From the conflicted emotions Steve had about having to fight this mysterious Winter Soldier after finding out it’s his best friend who he thought had died, to the intense feeling of paranoia with Hydra and the epic action sequences (Like that elevator scene), this movie really shows what a good sequel should be. Also, that reunion scene between Cap and Peggy still gets me, even though Cap changed history in Endgame.
7.) The Dark Knight
I may be in the minority in saying that Batman Begins was a really great film, despite what most people say. However, I know for sure that I’m in the majority in saying that The Dark Knight is still a damn excellent sequel. The story continues Bruce’s story as a realistic Batman in fighting criminals and villains. The relationship between Bruce and Alfred is explored more and the action scenes have definitely improved. But the highlight of this film is nearly everyone else’s – the villains! First person I want to talk about is Harvey Dent. I absolutely loved how complex this character was. But I especially loved how his twisted quote was used against him as he started out as one of Gotham’s greatest heroes and became a villain. You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. That quote is beyond deep and still remains as one of the most memorable movie quotes ever. But the best thing about the movie? You guessed it! Heath Ledger’s Joker is flawless! He perfectly portrays a psychopathic anarchist. Joker was a mastermind like he is in the comics and truly played a damn excellent villain who actually did technically win in the end. The “Why so serious?” scene still sends chills down my spine. Ledger more than deserved that Oscar.
6.) Spider-Man 2
Not only one of the best sequels ever made, but one of the best superhero films of all time! Years after Spider-Man saved the city from the psychopathic Green Goblin, Peter has kept his vow to protect the city and fight crime. New York may be safer, but his personal life is in tatters. He’s struggling at college, verging on bankruptcy, and is forced to watch as Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst) prepares to marry another man. And the situation goes from bad to worse when Peter’s new mentor, Otto Octavius, becomes Doctor Octopus. There’s little to say about Spider-Man 2 that hasn’t already been said. Even so, it’s remarkable that the film gets so much that's right about the character. Tobey Maguire is at his best in the role, and he capably encapsulates Peter’s heartache, his torment, and his humor. Opposite him is Alfred Molina as Octavius. Though he’s a far more maniacal figure in the comics, Molina delivers such a layered and sympathetic rendering of Doctor Octopus that he is frequently named as one of the best ever superhero movie villains. Certainly, in the shared tragedies of Peter and Otto, Spider-Man 2 serves as a brilliant study about the pitfalls of power, and the sacrifices that come with superheroism. It doesn’t hurt that it’s also spectacular to watch. The infamous train fight remains a whirlwind of action, and one of the finest display of Spider-Man’s powers onscreen.
5.) Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Oh man, I absolutely love this movie! The first Terminator film was good… but the sequel was just so much better. This time, instead of trying to kill Sarah Connor and her son, John Connor, Arnold’s Terminator comes back and is a hero this time, trying to protect the Connors. The emotional bond between the Terminator and John was really good, the conflicted trust issues Sarah has with the Terminator due to the trauma she went through in the first film, the frightening Judgement Day sequence with the nuke, the epic action scenes, the strained relationship between Sarah and John due to Sarah seeing her son as too much of a destiny than her child until the end, the iconic lines from Arnold and the emotional ending where the Terminator terminated himself… this movie really is amazing.
4.) Kung Fu Panda 2
The Kung Fu Panda trilogy is already one of my favourite trilogies of all time, but the second film is one of the best sequels I have ever seen that was better than the first film. Not to say the first film was bad. If anything, these two are very close to each other in terms of being great movies, but the sequel just does it for me in every way. The first film didn’t need a sequel, but it got one anyway, and it was way better than the first film for sure. We had a great mix of that special comedic charm the first film had with a bit of dark and dramatic emotional moments too. Po’s journey as he continues his life as the Dragon Warrior was also great to watch. The Furious Five had more character development and we got a great expansion of the world of Kung Fu Panda. But my favourite thing about this film is the villain. Lord Shen is easily one of my favourite Dreamworks villains ever, if not my first! He is so complex and has that sympathetic side, but at the same time, is loathsome enough for you to root for the hero. Then in the end when he admits he can’t let go of his anger and hatred, accepts his death. Overall, it’s hard to ever make a list without mentioning this film, especially when talking about sequels.
3.) Shrek 2
It was really tough choosing between Kung Fu Panda and Shrek 2… But at the end of the day, Shrek 2 came ahead. It’s one of the other best examples of being a perfect sequel. While I definitely enjoyed the first Shrek film, Shrek 2 did what made the first Shrek film good and made it way better. We got introduced to new characters, without overdoing it, had an excellent villain, had a really great plot and expanded the world of Shrek! One thing I have to say whenever mentioning this film is the climax. My gosh, it takes my breath away everytime. With an amazing cover of Holding Out for the Hero, and the action scenes with Shrek desperately trying to secure his relationship with Fiona, it still gets me everytime. That’s another thing I loved about Shrek 2. The romance between Shrek and Fiona was undoubtadly the highlight of the first film, but in the sequel, we open up with their honeymoon! It truly felt like a happy beginning! And the movie mainly focused on growing their relationship even more. Plus, I also really loved seeing the human version of Shrek with another awesome addition to the cast, Puss in Boots!
2.) The Empire Strikes Back
A very close second for me is my favourite Star Wars movie of all time; Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back! This may be my opinion alone but I wasn’t too much of a fan of A New Hope. For me, it was rather slow for the most part. But Empire Strikes Back, though… Now this movie completely changed everything! There is so much to be said about this film. First off is the characters. Luke is now more mature and we get introduced to the wise Jedi master Yoda, and the relationships between the characters such as the growing romance between Han Solo and Princess Leia. Darth Vader proves to be one of the greatest villains of all time in this movie as he leads an invasion on Hoth in the beginning, and sets a trap for Luke Skywalker on Cloud City. This movie also had one of the greatest twists of all time – Darth Vader revealing himself to be Luke Skywalker’s father. Overall, there’s not much else I can say about this film except how much of a great movie it is.
1.) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Not only my favourite sequel of all time, but my favourite movie of all time. I know it’s often a heavy stretch when considering a movie to be your favourite, but I put this movie at the top of nearly every list for me without shame. This movie, in my opinion, is a perfect sequel. Let me talk about the story first. So after a depressing opening as humanity slowly gets wiped out by the virus from the first film, we see the apocalypse setting which is just beautiful to look at. We see that the apes have become more evolved and much more intelligent. They're now capable of hunting and using teamwork. We're then shown their amazing built civilization lead by Caesar as we then cut to humanity. This is the one thing I really love about this film, we're seeing things from both sides' perspectives. We see the humans' side and the apes' side.
Our main human character, Malcolm, tries to search for a generator with his people in order to restore the city's power. Cesar reluctantly allows them to do what they need to do but Koba disagrees with this. Because of their disagreements, Koba goes behind Caesar's back, despite how much Caesar trusted him, and starts planning the war.
He frames Caesar's fake out death and leads the apes to kill all the humans. He sends the unarmed humans in cages which causes Malcolm to seek out Caesar. After an amazing climatic battle between Caesar and Koba, it is revealed be already too late as Gary Oldman had called the military which forced Caesar to go to war and protect his kind, leading up to War.
The plot is very well written and very memorable, and I NEVER get tired of watching this story over and over again.
Next thing are the setting and the music. I absolutely LOVE the soundtrack. I even hum to Koba's theme a few times because it's so catchy! As for the setting, as I said, I am a sucker for apocalypse stories so the setting was perfect, especially given the situation which humanity is in and having to deal with the ape uprising. I guess you could say this is an ape-pocalypse. No? I'll stop...
Finally, the characters. Every character was unique in their own ways. Every character was well written. You have Malcolm who is desperately trying to find peaceful alternatives in bringing peace between the two communities. His wife, Ellie, who is helpful and supportive, but worried for her husband working with evolved apes, and his son, Alexandre, who is an artist trying to fully get used to this new world. Caesar's friendship with Malcolm is strong in this film. Next, we have other main characters like the return of the wise orangutan, Maurice, Caesar's oldest friend, Rocket, and Cornelius, Caesar's eldest son.
However, the main highlights were the ultimate character development for Caesar and the film's main antagonist, Koba. You can see how conflicted Caesar is. See, he was raised by humans so he has a really soft spot for them, while on the other hand, Koba has only seen the bad side of humanity, thus fueling his hatred towards them. Caesar tries to put his kind first but at the same time, tries to help Malcolm's group as long as they don't put his family at risk. Caesar's relationship with Koba was the biggest thing here. Caesar trusted Koba with his life and looked at him like a brother. it all slowly turns from friendship to rivalry.
I've also been wanting to say this: Koba's character. This is how you write a good villain. Koba becomes this loathsome villain that you want to see be stopped, but at the same time, you have this emotional feeling towards him that makes you feel bad for him at the same time. When he points out all the scars and pain the labs have put him through, you really feel sympathy towards him, so you understand why he is doing this. He has a proper motive. Make us care about the villain too, but not root for him too much otherwise we won't see him as a villain that much.
So yeah, this movie will always remain special for me. By far my favourite movie ever.
So that is my top 10 list of my favourite movie sequels that I loved more than the first film! So what about you guys? What are your top 10 favourite movie sequels of all time?
submitted by Daviddv1202 to movies [link] [comments]

GOTY candidate emerges + 10 other completions [January Report '20]

This is my fourth year on this sub and fifth year overall that I'm tracking my completions and I've rarely been as excited to play games as I am right now. School is going great, my backlog is full of great games and Cyberpunk 2077 will be out soon looks like we'll be waiting a few more months for this. Thus, I had the motivation to play and beat many games this month, the most since January 2018 (!) actually. Let's get into my first progress report of 2020 :)
Games I've Quit - 19
Woah, what happened here? Let's unpack this.
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is a game I did not even start playing. I did finish the original and gave the sequel two tries before giving up both times. The gameplay loop really bothers me because you get guns that do barely any damage and you end up dying 10 times during each boss fight, which kind of takes away from the excitement that boss fights should provide in my opinion. So I doubt this'll be for me either.
The 50th Metroidvania that I've quit is Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate. I really have a hard time enjoying these. I didn't like the story. The gameplay is God of War (the original) but in boring. The enemies suck. The level design is not fun, with all that backtracking (especially in Act II). Yeah, that's a No for me.
I've quit Crysis 2 for the same reason that I've quit the original. The only thing I'm impressed by are the graphics. The nanosuit is just a gimmick in my opinion. It allows you to go invisible, to reduce damage, to sprint very fast and to scan an area for enemies. With the nanosuit, this game at least gives a reasoning for why your character can do those things but I'm not at all impressed by it. The shooting is boring. The enemies glitch out more times than I can count, there are so many "cheap deaths" and the checkpoint system is trash. Yeah, not a Crysis fan.
I also didn't start Darksiders III. I didn't like the original, so I removed Darksiders II back in the day. I have the third iteration through PS+. Based on reviews, some videos and my disinterest in the series, I ultimately don't want to play this.
One game I was looking to spend a bunch of time on this year was Divinity: Original Sin. Shockingly, I was very disappointed by this game. The soundtrack immediately felt very out of place (is it just me?) and not really fitting the setting. The fact that you were forced to have two user controlled characters kind of annoyed me as well because you basically needed to deal with inventory management TWICE, which isn't something I really enjoy doing (I didn't find a way to only create one char). Didn't really have the same feeling playing this game as with other cRPGs.
This is the second time I have put Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen on this list but I had to be honest with my self here. I didn't like it that much during my first try, which was about three years ago. So don't feel like pouring 50 hours into this.
I started Gears 5 in coop with my brother. We were immediately put off by the bad humor, boring and bland shooting gameplay and a story that we didn't really care for, because, to be fair to the series, we hadn't played another game in the series previously. Still, I doubt I would have gotten through a single game in this series with all those terrible one-liners. But I won't say that the production values in this game is great, it's evident that this is a bid-budget game, at least I think so.
I've tried God Eater Resurrection and it felt like the game was way older than it is (released in 2010). Terrible mission design, bad graphics, technically very limited (maybe due to being originally released on PSP), meh soundtrack and trash combat. Didn't even try God Eater 2: Rage Burst but might give the newer release a try, if I get it for free.
Insurgency is actually a multiplayer shooter and I mixed this game up with Invisible Inc. for some reason :D Nothing to see here.
I saw some gameplay on Prototype 2 and after removing and adding it to my backlog two times already, I will now permanently remove it. I don't like starting with sequels anyway and the game seems to have aged poorly.
Red Faction Guerilla Re-Mars-Tered is another game that I didn't even start but just based on gameplay videos I could tell that I wouldn't have fun with this.
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell. Another case of "don't actually own it". I remember it being free through PS+ but looks like neither I nor my brother got it back then.
Snake Pass. Man. Terrible controls. This could have been ultra relaxing but the controls were so infuriating that they made me quit an hour or so into it.
I've only played the first game in the Spyro Reignited Trilogy but that's just not for me. No nostalgia attached to the series.
I've tried The End is Nigh and some how made it past that poor intro and 15 not so poor levels before deciding that this is the type of platformer that isn't really worth my time.
This one I'm truly sorry for because I think The Talos Principle explores very interesting elements about AI and if they should be considered conscious beings. There is this one funny archived chat on a computer where four guys argue about how one can determine, if a user is actually an AI or real. Person A says that no one can tell the difference, while Person B tells A that he is stupid. Person C agrees with Person B and says that Persona A is a troll. Then Person D tells Person C that Person B is actually an AI :D. Best plot twist of the year, folks.) And I think I did quite well with a lot of puzzles in World A and most of World B. But then puzzles get more complex and I never have the patience to spend one hour on one puzzle (same with The Witness) and so I give up. Yeah..
Hope you can all appreciate me trying to explain why I didn't beat this games, in case you are fans of any of them. This month could be called "The Cleansing of the Backlog" just based on all of these abandoned games. Suffice to say, February won't look like this. If it does, I might run out of games. And soon.
Games I’ve Added – 4
I got my hands on Xbox Game Pass for 1 €. It was supposed to be for three months but for some reason my Microsoft account says it expires in June. I guess it gave me 6 months and I won't complain.
Unfortunately, you already know my thoughts on two games I got via Game Pass: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate and Gears 5. Glad I didn't buy these two.
My Friend Pedro is the only one of these games that you will find in the "Beaten" section (and it's a good game imo).
My last addition for the month is Overcooked 2, which I've been playing in coop with my brother and it's been extremely enjoyable so far. First Battle Chef Brigade, now this. I might be a fan of cooking games :O.
Games I've Beaten - 11
A quick overview of all the games I've beaten this month. Reviews are in alphabetical order. (Bold = Game of the Month)

Blair Witch
Owned Since: December 31st, 2019
Beaten: January 2nd
Platform: Xbox One
Playtime: 6 hours
You will see a lot more Xbox One games on my completions this year. It all starts here, with Blair Witch being my first Xbox completion since Mass Effect on March, 2019. I've played this with my brother because we couldn't find a coop game we agreed on. We did have a horror game itch though, so we chose this. The game was released in 2019.
I watched the recent Blair Witch (2016) movie a couple months ago and actually fell asleep, which is a new horror movie low for me. Suffice to say, I didn't really enjoy it. That might be why I didn't see any connections between game and movie but I doubt that would have made a difference.
You play as Ellis, a veteran and former police officer, who suffers from PTSD after his experiences during his time in the army. Ellis joins a search for a little boy (Peter) who was lost in the woods, possible having been kidnapped. Ellis killed the kid's brother by accident when he tried to stop a robbery, so he feels like he owes this to Peter. He constantly communicates with others involved in the search and also with his wife, Jess. Their relationship is struggling due to Ellis' mental health issues, which is portrayed through many flashbacks throughout the game.
Ellis is joined by his dog, Bullet, who helps Ellis find objects, guides him through the woods and also relaxes Ellis, whose symptoms worsen when he is left alone. I actually loved Bullet, he is helpful and not just a nuisance. He also has his own "back story" as well, so it's not just a cute gimmick or anything. Talking about back story, Ellis' personal struggles are also interesting to a degree and at least don't deter you from continuing the game.
His relationship with Jess also helps in his character development, though one thing I disliked was this: You have a phone, so the game sometimes allows you to call Jess and have a conversation with her. Sometimes, this happens automatically. But man, these convos are so pointless and annoying. Especially when they happen automatically. Call 1: "I'm sorry Jess, I love you, you know that, right?", Call 2: "Fuck you, Jess, I'm angry now!", Call 3: "I'm sorry Jess, I love you <3!". And on and on it goes. I know that Ellis is very anxious and a very stressed individual due to his past traumas but this happened too much and most of the time, they would just discuss uninteresting topics that really didn't add anything to the game's story or at least not in a sense that it made you more interested in their relationship. And, you know, this is a "Blair Witch" game. It's not "Ellis: The Story", so I would've liked less focus on Ellis' relationship with Jess and more focus on the actual IP.
The overall plot is fine but I won't say much more on that. One gameplay feature that I actually liked is that you can change your surroundings thanks to cassette tapes. Each tape is a short clip about what happened in the past. One of them for example is about the kidnapped boy, who drops a ball in the clip. If you stop at that right moment, the ball will reappear where he dropped it. You can let the dog smell the ball and track the scent. Really cool feature and added a unique element to the game.
One final point: The final chapter, my god, that one took fucking ages. The boy is brought to a little house with a few rooms. I thought that yeah, some f'd up things will happen eventually and you might have to go through each room a couple times. But it ends up being this crazy episode where you get jump scared 50 times, enter 800 doors, sneak past the demon 20 times etc. They really made more than the most out of that little house because you easily walked 50km in there before the credits finally started rolling. And after all that, the ending was shit.
Rating: 5/10

Detroit: Become Human
Owned Since: July 2nd, 2019
Beaten: January 7th
Platform: Playstation 4
Playtime: 15 hours
Wow. This is one of those games were I felt empty inside for a day or two after beating it. That might have something to do with the ending I got but the overall journey definitely had something to do with it as well.
The three characters you play - Marcus, Kara and Connor - all have their own interesting stories, which, as the game progresses, become more and more intertwined (as usual with David Cage's games). All three were played excellently in my opinion. The graphics, the atmosphere, the music and all the side characters even were all major positives in this games. And the best part about this game: Your choices matter.
I've never seen a game with this many choices and so many of them having so much weight. I'm serious when I say that main and side characters can die at so many different points in the game based on what you choose to do. After each chapter, something like a "choice tree" pops up, which basically highlights your choices within the chapter. Just by taking a look at this window, you realize you can play each chapter in so many different ways. You also get points for each choice you make, which you can use to unlock extras. These can be the soundtrack, art works, trailers and other videos, interviews with the cast and more. This is pretty cool in my opinion.
One thing about the gameplay. The game sometimes asks you to do mundane tasks like "wash dishes" or "clean tables". I didn't like these parts from a gameplay perspective but I understand how these tasks are supposed to show you how Androids "live". QTEs are very present throughout the game as well and.. yeah, you'll either like those or not. The best parts are definitely the decisions you get to make and when you can walk around an area and just look at all the highlighted items.
I won't get into the story too much but I can say this. I really liked it overall but I still don't know what I think about the whole "Androids are people" storyline. You see them crying, having relationships, feeling any kind of emotion, arguing and all that. They are supposed to be sentient Androids, sure, but making them act exactly like humans kind of felt too much. Maybe that's because rogue AI is still something that is way too far into the future for me to really believe in. Still, if you look past this point, you will find an intricate, exciting and emotional story around it that managed to draw me in completely. I of course tried to keep everyone alive (main and side characters) but three people in total didn't make it in my playthrough.
There is also one chapter called Freedom March. The scene is pretty epic and powerful in my opinion, especially if you can look past the point that I mentioned in the paragraph above. I'll definitely play this game again with a friend or family member, if they're interested, because they will 100% make different choices and I'd like to see how they experience the story as well. Great concept, great execution, hope to see more games like this from David Cage.
Rating: 8/10

Half-Life 2
Owned Since: November 23rd, 2016
"Beaten": January 3rd
Platform: PC
Playtime: 10.5 hours
I've played the original Half-Life when I was in Brighton for 6 weeks and doing an internship (I'm from Germany and my employer allowed me to do it, best experience ever). I only had my laptop available , which is not suitable for playing games, so I had to play graphically less demanding ones, like System Shock, Shantae and the Pirates Curse, CUPID and Half-Life. Half-Life was easily my favorite out of the bunch, because the game aged relatively well and the level design is solid.
That was back in 2017. So playing Half-Life 2 was a long time coming and I'm glad I finally did. This game is absolutely incredible. The jump from the original, especially in terms of graphics and even level design, is crazy. Each chapter drops you into a different environment with different challenges to overcome. In one chapter, you have to drive an "airboat", in another you drive a car because Antlions come out of the sand and only allow you to pass with a vehicle. Then there is Ravenholm, where you jump from roof to roof in the dark, while monsters jump at you from everywhere (scariest level ever).
What I loved about this game and it's something that (almost) no current games do anymore, especially not at that level, is that there are no cut scenes that interrupt you, when something major happens in the game. Everything happens within the flow of your playthrough. There is this robot dog that will jump around and throw cars at enemies, there are gigantic striders that come out of nowhere and shoot at everything they see and there is nothing that interrupts you, while you play. This game is just such an amazing experience throughout that I was just blown away throughout. The game keeps throwing stuff at you, especially in the first half, and manages to keep the gameplay fresh throughout, which, for a game from 2004, is ridiculously impressive.
The game mostly uses similar weapons as in the original, though I believe the crossbow and something else I won't mention are both new. And also there is the gravity gun of course, which is a weapon that you can use for basically everything. It lets you pick up items, throw them at enemies and it even lets you pick up enemies and throw THEM at enemies. You need to use it many times to progress through a level and I was always glad to. Just a fun weapon to use.
And then there is the G-Man. I don't really get the story much unfortunately but the G-Man is supposed to be a mystery anyway. One of the cool features in this game are the G-Man easter eggs. In almost every chapter, you can see the G-Man in the distance just walking away. I didn't know this before playing but once there was this train that crashed into a wall. There was a little hole which you could look through and I for some reason decided to do that and saw the G-Man. This spotting is accompanied by mysterious sounds and it actually startled me a little bit. The G-Man is definitely badass.
Now some negatives. The voice acting is poor (though I played it in German). The characters are not that memorable. The story isn't really all that well told in my opinion, though that might be one of the negatives, if you don't have any cut scenes in your game. I'd rather have seamless gameplay as I explained above rather than cut scenes that don't tell much anyway but the combination of both (e.g. God of War) is something I'd obviously prefer.
Still, I definitely understand why this game is considered the best game ever. I do think we should seperate games by the generation that they came out in because each gen produced very different games but the fact that Half-Life 2 still amazed me 15 years after its release says something about this game's quality.
Rating: 9/10

Half-Life 2: Episode One
Owned Since: November 23rd, 2016
Beaten: January 21st
Platform: PC
Playtime: 2 1/2 hours
More of the same as Half-Life 2. I switched to English audio and it made a big difference. I don't know, if that was the sole reason or if the game did a better job with Alyx, but her character got ten times more interesting and endearing than in Half-Life 2. Also, Dog is great.
The game is obviously much shorter and the level design is either similar to or more simplified than the chapters in Half-Life 2. Also, Alyx is following you around for way longer than in the "main game" (I guess that's what H-L 2 is), so that opened up a few different puzzles that involve Alyx, who can open doors and manipulate rollermines, among other things.
Not much else to say here, the game advances the story nicely and I'm already dreading the finale of Episode Two, which will undoubtedly end on a cliffhanger.
Rating: 7/10

Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
Owned Since: November 23rd, 2016
Beaten: January 1st
Platform: PC
Playtime: 15 minutes
This is a tech demo apparently. I've played it, so I'll add it here but I don't have much to say about this.
Rating: No Rating

Marvel's Spider-Man
Owned Since: December 31st, 2019
Beaten: January 18th
Platform: Playstation 4
Playtime: 30 hours
This is one of those games where my review won't do it justice. First off, I got 100 % of the trophies. This is maybe the fifth game ever that I fully completed (and I've actually done it with another game this month, that one being not quite as impressive). That should tell you what I think about this game.
As usual, here is my backstory with the Spider-Man franchise: I've watched the first movie with Tobey Maguire about 40 times as a kid. Spider-Man was my hero. Yet, I only watched Spider-Man 2 and 3 once or twice and have never gotten to watch the newer releases because I kind of forgot about Spider-Man and superheroes in general.
After starting this game, I rewatched the original Spider-Man and let me tell you, the nostalgia was real. Anyway, about the game:
The game references a ton of stuff from the comics I'm guessing (didn't read any of the comics) but I understood a few references here and there thanks to the original trilogy and just the soundtrack of this game got me feeling very nostalgic. The music, the web swinging and the web shooting sounds all were immediately recognizable as well.
The web swinging in general is easily the most satisfying thing I've ever done in any video game ever. It's incredibly smooth and as close to perfect as it can get. Once you unlock a few more abilities, swinging gets even more fun. I found myself swinging without any goal from time to time because it was so fun and that's really the most impressive thing about it, the fact that you even forget what you were going to do.
Just as smooth is the combat system, which is like the Batman Arkham games for anyone who played those. You have a few buttons to hit enemies and get alerted before you get hit so you can dodge. Right from the start, because you're Spider-Man, the combat system allows for so many nice combos. Hit a guy, slide between his legs, come up behind him, kick him in the back, done. Then go to the next guy, uppercut him into the air, grab him with your webs and throw him on top of another enemy, done. Later on, you unlock more abilities and a lot of gear that you can use to beat the crap out of enemies in even more fun ways. Pinning an enemy against the wall with your webs is also immensely satisfying and easily my favorite way to beat them.
Next to the main story, there is a LOT of extra content to explore and because the web swinging and combat are both so fun, I actively wanted to do all the extra content. I didn't want this experience to end, which is why I did EVERYTHING in the game and got 100% completions in all 9 districts. Side content varies from side missions, in which you help civilians or fight "side" villains to random encounters against enemies of one of 4 varieties (Fisk's guards, "demons" etc.).
While you're fighting, Spider-Man is being Spider-Man of course, so he always drops some one-liner to annoy his enemies. Most of these are hilarious and I audibly laughed at least a couple times. He repeats himself during some of the side content but with the sheer amount of the side content that is in the game, that might be unavoidable. Also, the voice acting (played in German) is superb. Probably the best German voice acting in any game I've played, which can be very poor in even AAA titles sometimes. J. Jonah Jameson's voice actor does an amazing job and so does Spider-Man's. Everyone else ranges from very good to solid, which was a positive surprise.
Two more things I want to mention quickly: 1. There are a few dozen Spider-Man suits in the game. Now get this: All of them can be unlocked JUST BY PLAYING THE GAME. Yes, the game released in 2018, not 2008 and there are no microtransactions for this sort of stuff. They put stuff in the game that they didn't need to and didn't charge you extra for it. I know, it's nuts. And it made me remember how big of a difference such a little feature can make in the grand scheme of things. You can just feel the love that went into creating this game and I really appreciate everyone working on this.
Lastly, the story and the games villains. There are actually more than a few that you encounter throughout the game. Most of their backstories are actually explored during the game, which was great. My favorite thing about any story is a game, movie or book is a good villain. Pagan Min of Far Cry 4 could have been awesome, if he wasn't so absent during almost the entirety of the game. Same goes for Vaas in Far Cry 3. Heath Ledger's Joker is easily my favorite villain ever and Gus Fring in Breaking Bad is also an incredible character. Both get a ton of screen time, not just when they are one on one with the protagonist. They get their chance to shine on their own. And the main villains in this game do as well. Electro, Vulture, Scorpion and Rhino are some of the less frequently presented villains but their boss fights were still all unique enough and enjoyable. Everyone else, like Spider-Man, Mary-Jane, Miles, Aunt May, Martin Li, Otto Octavius, Norman Osborne and Yuri Watanabe were well written and all added something to the story.
Can't wait for the sequel!
(Also, I could've sworn this game was developed by Sucker Punch, this game reminded me of Infamous: Second Son so much).
Rating: 10/10

Owned Since: October 3rd, 2019
Beaten: January 1st
Platform: Xbox One
Playtime: 1 1/2 hours
I wanted to check out Minit since the game was released because I liked the premise. You have 60 seconds to get as much as possible done before your character dies and resets in the last home that you were in. Beating this game requires exploration, timing and patience. Often, you are required to solve puzzles, which, because you only have 60 seconds, can take you a few trips to the location of the puzzle. None of the puzzles are too challenging but if you're someone who has a hard time solving ones on, say, medium difficulty, this might get slightly irritating. Yet, Minit manages to be an enjoyable experience and offers enough variety in its game and level design to not bore you and make the main gameplay mechanic be annoying at the end of your playthrough. The 60 second loop is not groundbreaking by any means and I know there are other games out there that use this same mechanic. I don't know, if those were developed before Minit, but I'm guessing that Minit isn't the first game ever with this 60 second loop mechanic.
The soundtrack is fitting to the gameplay. Nothing special. If you own this game and have a free afternoon at some point, give it a try. It's a solid experience imo.
Rating: 7/10

My Friend Pedro
Owned Since: January 20th, 2020
Beaten: January 22nd
Platform: Xbox One
Playtime: 4 hours
A banana called Pedro wakes you up and tells you to kill "Mitch The Butcher". So you do as told. You go through a wave of enemies and obstacles during the first few levels and make your way to the boss fight, which was actually pretty epic in this case. Then the second of 5 chapters begins. As you progress, there are new weapons, obstacles, enemy types, ways to kill, objects to use and more. Pedro will talk to you during missions as well to give a little bit of insight on the backstory or to just tell some dumb jokes. He even writes you a poem (which was hilarious) but overall you don't really engage with him in a way that makes him this memorable and unique character that I thought he'd become.
The gameplay is great. You can use pistols, uzis, shotguns and more to shoot enemies. You can shoot them while walljumping, by letting bullets ricochet from metal objects (even by shooting a frying pan) and you can make barrels drop on top of them, among other things. When you get better and can do all these things in one motion, it looks amazing. There is a "bullet time" system as well and you can even dodge bullets by pressing LB to spin around, which just looks epic. Some levels are more annoying than exciting though, especially when there is less shooting and more puzzle solving or platforming going on but overall the level design is superb.
The soundtrack is the biggest disappointment here in my opinion. Some tracks are as strong as in other Digital Devolver games (Hotline Miami in particular) but there aren't enough memorable, epic electronic beats that flow with the action. And there aren't enough tracks in this game, period. Definitely expected something more grand here. Most boss fights were also pretty boring, especially the penultimate one. Overall definitely a game I would recommend, with a ton of replay value for anyone who wants to get an S-Rank in every level.
Rating: 7/10

Pokémon Sword
Owned Since: November 18th, 2019
Beaten: January 16th
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Playtime: 19 hours
Hot take alert! This review might anger some of you, so continue reading with caution.
Quick overview on my experience with the Pokémon franchise. I've watched the anime as a kid. I've watched friends play Pokémon games on their Nintendo DS's. That's it. I've never played a game myself. Always wanted to. My brother bought Pokémon shortly after its release, so I decided to give it a try.
Right at the start of the game I was very much reminded of the Persona series, so I guess I can see which series the Persona games were influenced by. Anyway, as a big Persona fan, I thought I would dig finding new Pokémon, the battle system and hey, maybe even the story. Let's start with the positives.
The music is awesome. The track that plays during arena battles is especially great. Collecting Pokémon actually is fun as well, so I wasn't left disappointed there. A lot of Pokémon's have weird names and look really sometimes and I wanted to throw my Switch against the wall when they would break out of a Pokéball at like 1 HP but 'oh well'.
I also really liked the wild area. It offered a ton of Pokémon to catch, a few characters to battle and get items from, items to find and challenges to do. This could definitely be fleshed out but I liked the time I spent here, though that wasn't much at the end.
The battle system is good but fights are way too easy. I've played for 19 hours and didn't lose a single battle. Every gym leader does the same thing. They fight normally til they have 1 Pokémon left and then they active the Dynamax. Predictable and makes me wonder what the point of the Dynamax feature really was. For everyone who doesn't know, Dynamaxing a Pokémon means that it becomes gigantic for three rounds. That's it. There isn't much strategy involved with it, because the Pokémon still take damage like they're at LVL1 sometimes. One final issue I have is those extremely long animations, especially for dynamaxing Pokémon. The persona series and many other JRPGs have this issue though, so I'm nitpicking here.
One last positive are the different areas and locations in the game. Some, like Engine and Claw City, look pretty cool. You can definitely see that art designers put a lot of work into this game as a whole, though as I mentioned, some Pokémon characters are so stupid (like Klikk, what the fuck is that?!).
The worst part about this game in my opinion is its' story and characters. If you're only playing the game to collect Pokémon, you might not care but I personally always look or a good story, unless the gameplay is fast-paced action like DOOM or Metal Gear Rising. In this game, you partake in Arena challenges. So you and your friend, Hop, who is one of the most annoying characters ever, embark on a journey to beat eight gym leaders and fight in a tournament to be the new champ. Hop's brother is the current champ, so Hop always talks about how he wants to be the best and how you're his biggest rival. You fight Hop after almost every arena fight and you wipe the floor with him each time. Then he starts talking about how "he is inspired by you beating his ass" and "how you humbled him" and how he will work harder now. Then you meet him in the next arena and he says: "I just beat this gym leader, he couldn't handle me and my GOAT Pokémon, I'm the best!" (GOAT as in an actual goat, not the "greatest Pokémon of all time". And his goat sucks). So this is the story of Hop for 20 hours. Gets cocky, gets humbled, gets cocky and during all of this I'm thinking "I don't care about you, Hop."
Throughout this game, every character talks the same way. "You're amazing, nobody can stop you, keep going!" and I just felt like the game thinks I'm a 5 year old or something. I know that's Nintendo's spiel, to make things feel very fun and also very nostalgic for all the players who have grown up with their games but Pokémon takes this to a whole nother level.
One last thing about the Pokémon franchise. Why are Pokémon games so highly regarded for doing stuff that other AAA games get absolutely destroyed for? Releasing two different versions of a game with slightly different content? Imagine Mortal Kombat 12: Version 1 and Mortal Kombat 12: Version 2 with exlusive fighters for each version? The shitstorm would be huge (and rightly so). But Pokémon does it and it's OK? Also, gamers criticize FIFA and other sports games for releasing the same game every year and Pokémon doesn't? It's the same gameplay loop every time from what I can tell, it's badly optimized even, it's mostly the same Pokémon (fewer this time around), a bare bones plot and horrible childish writing. Sure, if you like these games because of what they mean to you and you actually enjoy it, great for you. But to go hate on similar games for doing the same thing feels kind of hypocritical and I'm always amazed at how Nintendo gets away with it.
Rating: 4/10

Owned Since: August 22nd, 2016
Beaten: January 20th
Platform: PC
Playtime: 9 hours
This is one of the oldest games in my backlog. I got it from one of the first Humble Monthlies but never got to it until the game was giving away for free on, what feels like, every platform by now. Nevertheless, I'm glad I was able to support the devs somewhat back in the day because this game is pretty good.
You play as Simon Jarrett, who lost his girlfriend after a car accident. He barely survived the accident himself with severe brain damage. He agrees to go into a brain scan developed by some student. When he wakes up after the scan, he finds himself in an unfamiliar room, surrounded by machinery and technology he's never seen before.
The start to this game is so weird. First off, I've played this on "Safe" mode, so monsters don't attack you. They're still there and they will hit you, when you're too close but they don't kill you. There are also these blue "mechanical plant" things. You can put your finger into its hole and then ... nothing happens. I've done this with every "plant" I've seen in the game and nothing ever happened, though later Simon puts his whole fist into it (yep). Maybe this would recharge your health, if you're not playing in safe mode? I don't know.
You meet a bunch of broken robots in the game, who all think they're human, even though they're clearly not and that gets you thinking: Where the fuck am I? Later, you meet Catherine, who helps you uncover all the mysteries. I won't go into any detail here but she basically created this thing called the "ARK" and needs you to shoot it into space because humanity depends on it. As you go, the story starts making more and more sense.
Gameplay in this game boils down to solving puzzles, which are perfect in difficulty in my opinion, walking a lot, interacting with items and reading data. You can add "hiding from monsters" to that list, if you're not playing on safe mode but I was perfectly happy with my decision. The game is eerie enough as it is and I probably wouldn't have gained anything from dying a bunch of times.
As I mentioned, the game is really atmospheric, which was really important because otherwise the constant walking around would have become very tiresome. The story started off slow as well but once I started to understand, it was this interesting dilemma about where the line is drawn between at which point you can still consider yourself human and at which point you can't.
Overall, I liked the story, I liked the atmosphere but the slow start and the tedious nature of walking simulators are the reasoning behind my final rating.
Rating: 7/10

Owned Since: July 12th, 2018
Beaten: January 3rd
Platform: Xbox One
Playtime: 3 hours
In Tacoma you play as Amy Ferrier and have the task of retrieving data and the wetware of an AI, ODIN. from an abandoned station, Tacoma, which was struck by a meteor a few days prior. The crew was rescued, so as you collect the data, which happens automatically once you enter an area, you are free to explore the many different rooms in the station, where you can re-watch interactions between the crew members during and immediately after the meteor strike. During these, you find out about each member's role, ambitions, backgrounds and relationships between each other.
While checking some info about this game, I found out that this was developed by the same guys who made Gone Home. These games are very similar in that there isn't any threat, you can basically just explore a location and piece together the story and the events that unfolded. It's possible that you can beat the game without really "completing" the story or finding out every truth but I wouldn't recommend it, because the story is actually pretty interesting (way more than Gone Home in my opinion). Beware that this is a walking simulator, so there isn't much in terms of gameplay. You just walk around, read some notes, listen to dialogue, do a few very easy puzzles and interact with a couple other things and that's it. All the value here is in the story and the characters, so your prior experiences with walking sims should tell you, if this game is for you.
Rating: 7/10
Currently Playing
Playstation 4
Xbox One
12in12 original list - Progress: (6/12)
Half of the list done already! This is what I'm most satisfied about, the fact that I'm actually playing games that I wanted to at the start of the year. Been very disciplined when it comes to this fact to start off the year. The next completion on this list should be either The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine or maybe Orwell.
My Yearly Stats:
Pretty good start. :D Thank you for reading, hope you all had a great month as well. :)
submitted by FurkanE17 to 12in12 [link] [comments]

I listened to the $55,000 Seinnheiser HE-1 while high as balls

Edit: Thank you for the gold! Here's my mandatory cat tax.
The day before yesterday at Canjam SoCal in LA I had an appointment to audition the Sennheiser HE-1, a $55,000 electrostatic audio system. The HE-1, like other electrostatic headphones, uses a very thin film that's moved by constantly shifting electric charges rather than by a physical magnet. This gives them much lower distortion than most headphones out there, and clearer, more immediate sound. The HE-1 isn't just a pair of headphones, but rather the chain formed by the "energizer" and the headphones. Both parts comprise the system. Here's a pic of the system from my perspective listening to it.
Right before the audition I vaped some Sour Diesel and got high as balls. To give you an idea, it took me longer to get that high than the demo even lasted. After I got seated, the curator of the demo playlist walked me through the audition process. For the first five minutes, he played recordings that were considered by Sennheiser to be "audiophile worthy" through Tidal. After the curated session I could play whatever I wanted through Tidal for the next five minutes. Each pre-selected song was only played for what seemed to be one minute, but at that point my eyes felt incredibly heavy and I began to relax in my chair, accepting the shock that this was actually happening.
Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah
The first song was Jeff Buckley's "Hallelujah". It felt clean, but not clinical. The vocals stole the show as the power behind Buckley’s stern and commanding voice demanded all the attention I could gather. The staging of the vocals was spacious and inviting, not too large to sound out of the way but spacious enough that its reverberations throughout the stage in enveloped my ears in a warm and luscious current. The clip started from the intro and played up to the end of the first chorus. The intro features an incredibly resonant but mellow electric guitar and the first thing I noticed was how clearly I could hear the differences in loudness between each note. The note at :44 stuck out as the prior part of the intro sounds a bit mellow and non-indicative of the actual loudness of the track as it's only just the guitar without the vocals. That single note had the loudness and sense of presence that the vocals do at their highest point, and the nature of the HE-1's detail made that incredibly clear. The recording itself is not very bright, and the HE-1 with it's mellow for an electrostat sound signature did not do much to squeeze out brightness like a lot of other electrostats happen to do, but instead the detail and range of Buckley's voice was astonishingly natural.
Just one minute in and my mind was racing.
Up until this point I'd listened to multiple electrostats on multiple occasions. Canjam is an audio show dedicated to headphone audio and all of the accessories such as amps and portable players associated with it. The day before I heard the HE-1, I went around trying all of the electrostats I could, starting with all of the STAX pairs and then to the Mr. Speakers Voce, all of which sound phenomenal. The only electrostat that I can really say I've disliked was the SR-007 as it sounded a bit harsh for my ears, but I've listened to all of these a small handful of times for maybe ~30 minutes each, so my opinion is not at all refined. The electrostats I've spent the most time with so far are the Voce and SR-009, at around two to three hours of serious listening for each, but both of them by default sound fairly bright and sparkly. Electrostatic usually have a flat frequency response but due to the level of detail they express in the highs, the extra speed and sparkle often dominate the stage, demanding every bit of attention from the listener. Personally, I love that sound, but it's not something that I could ever listen to comfortably while doing anything other than listening. The Mr. Speakers Voce tries to combat this by coming with a set of foam and felt filters that fit on the inside of the pads and are useful for toning down the highs to a level where the listener is comfortable with them, but I always felt as if everything but the lightest dampening pad noticeably robbed the headphones of a slight bit of that oh-so-good electrostatic detail.
Nora Jones - Come Away With Me
Then, Nora Jones' "Come Away With Me" played. Again it was about a minute long snippet from the beginning of the song. Remember how earlier I was talking about how Jeff Buckley's vocals in "Hallelujah" didn't seem at all sparkly but instead commanded an overall sense of warmth? It's the same here, except the lightness and air of Nora Jones' voice comes through to penetrate my soul. My high was focused. At this point I had fully accepted my position here, and felt enveloped by the sound. I was off in my own little world where nothing but the sky and Nora Jones' blissfully tempting voice carried me off. If "Hallelujah" was the voice of an angel singing down warmly on a clear Spring afternoon "Come Away With Me" is a gentle lover whispering sweat nothings to you under the stars on a Winter's night.
I think the curator knew.
I was up in space but it was a focused space. Throughout the song a soft but not exactly faint cymbal plays just following the first note at 00:03. That cymbal anchored me, its sparkle and detail didn't pervade the space and take over, but instead created such a soft and welcoming tingle throughout. When the vocals came in I began to understand what made the HE-1 the experience it was, but I needed more. Nora Jones instilled a sense of wonderment and intrigue I couldn't ignore; I needed to listen to more. Suddenly, the curator changed the track.
At that point it had been around two minutes.
That was two minutes of my life.
Dude with a Southern Drawl - Something About Pickup Trucks and Hot Blonde Babes
The loss of Nora Jones' voice was a Shakespearean tragedy. I felt the death of worlds I'd left unexplored as if the love of my life died across different dimensions and timelines. It suddenly cut off to some random Country song that was actually rather good but I hardly remember it at all. You know that feeling when a friend tries to show you a song they like and you listen to it for the first time and you're like "yeah that was aight"? That's sort of what I felt here, I couldn't really vibe with the song because I really just don't care for Country music, but I understood its appeal and enjoyed it despite that. It did take me out of the headspace "Come Away With Me" so kindly gave to me and put me into a more serious and analytical one. If anyone knows what this song was, gimme the goods fam.

Then, Africa played.

Toto - Africa
I internally freaked the fuck out. I fucking love Toto's "Africa", and not in an ironic meme-driven way. My love for this song is as real as the stars, I vibed to this shit hard. I grinned from ear to ear, and as soon as that iconic melody started playing I kissed the rains down in Africa.
The curator definitely knew, he smiled and gave me an enthusiastic thumbs up and I responded in kind, turning up the volume. Also did I mention that the knobs on the amp feel heavenly? They do. They really fuckin do. Seriously, if you ever get the chance please do rub your hands all over that smooth thick knob, give it a good turn.
The soundstage and imaging of "Africa" stuck out to me among the myriad of instruments in the mix. The depth of the bells in the left channel stood out well but felt fairly far and away from my head, as if it was playing in the opposite side of a large room. When the chorus came in shit just got so wild. The drum break just before the chorus was powerful and deep, the acoustic guitars came alive, I felt how perfectly they harmonized with the bass and heard that sparkle so intensely independent of everything else but it did not sound harsh in the slightest. That's always been my problem with some electrostats, and a problem I have with the SR-009 and Voce specifically. Despite how pleasurable they are to listen to, the extreme focus on detail brings in a slight harshness which can make listening to badly mastered tracks, or just modern pop in general, straining to listen to.
Sennheiser saw the discussion around electrostatic headphones, and knew that issue was something worth fixing. That's what the HE-1 does so damn well: detail without fatigue. No electrostat, or any other kind of headphone for that matter, can accomplish that feat anywhere near as well as the HE-1.
After "Africa", the curator turned the Windows tablet Tidal played through towards me and let me listen to music of my own choosing for five minutes. I won't bore you all with the details of each song I chose but I think a short summary of each is warranted. I have my own playlist of audio equipment testing music, but as high as I was the only things I wanted to listen to were the songs I hold dear.
Here's the songs in the order I listened to them:
  1. Eagles - Hotel California (Remastered)
This version of Hotel California is usually pre-selected for HE-1 auditions, or at least it was last year. I started it off at about :40 as :50 is where the kick drum hits twice to introduce the first verse, and listening to the intro with nothing more than a tingly acoustic guitar with the bass in the background was heavenly. Everything just fit, not a sound was out of place. There was so much air and breath between the instruments that at no point did the song feel congested. Not one sound dominated the space, everyone got their turn and every instrument sounded just as real and present as the last. I know this song is a meme in the community but the love for it and Eagles in general is more than justified. I'm pretty damn glad Seinnheiser popularized it further with these demos as the HE-1 sounds like it was made for this song.
  1. [Kashiwa Daisuke - April#19]
One of my favorite instrumental pieces of all time is Kashiwa Daisuke's "April#02". It's a long-form glitchy electronica-jazz hybrid piece with incredibly fast attack with acoustic instruments and tightly composed electronic portions dripping with detail. "April#02" isn't on Tidal unfortunately so I listened to his piece "April#19" which is an alternate mix of the original. It serves the same purpose to me as an analytical listening track as well as a familiar piece of warm nostalgia. I can hardly explain what makes this so amazing on the HE-1, I was almost in tears. You know how some really close couples have what they call "our song", a song that symbolizes their love and is a hallmark of their relationship? This song represents my relationship with myself, my thoughts, and my sense of being. This song means something to me; I've listened to it at multiple stages of my life chasing White Whale after Whale and it’s become a sort of ritual. The specific part I used is at 6:30 to 7:40 of April#19 but I recommend closing your eyes for 27 minutes listening to April#02 from start to finish instead. Just listen to it, trust me.
  1. Health - New Coke
This song is a dark sort of fun. It's a fuckin thrill ride I'll never get bored of. Health is a punk band with a noisy, harsh, and tribal aesthetic. This song isn't something most people would enjoy but the drone of tribal drum beat and blaring Hans Zimmer-esque crescendos attack and decay like waves crashing against rocks. The HE-1 immerses me in Health’s dark and edgy atmosphere without sounding the least bit harsh. I listened from the intro to the end of the first chorus.
  1. Yosi Horikawa - Letter
This song is a cult hit in this community as it's perfect for understanding the soundstage and imaging of any headphones. It's a binaural track so even with budget-oriented headphones the listener will feel a significant sense of separation in the various sounds and noises that comprise its stage, but with higher-end gear the stage's width and depth come through well. The HE-1 expressed ungodly imaging, a real sense of depth not comparable to anything else. Though not as absurd as the depth, the width was impressive yet manageable, leading to the staging feeling focused and concise. The speed and delivery of the mids made the flow of the “instruments” seem ever more real. I listened from the beginning to around 1:00.
  1. This Town Needs Guns - Baboon
I'm a huge Math Rock fan and TTGN is among the best. The guitars in this song sounded so playful and clean I couldn't handle it. I teared up a bit listening to "April#19" and it happened again here. One thing I love about this song, and TTNG in general, is how quietly vocals come through in the mix compared to everything else. The vocals usually seem slightly veiled and quiet, but the HE-1 brings them out incredibly well without sacrificing the fidelity of the instruments that take precedence over them. The refined warmth and emotion of “Baboon” in contrast to the high velocity and brutality of "New Coke" engulfed me, taking me up the clouds at its own pace. The HE-1 sounded like it wasn't even trying, effortlessly crafting the music down to the point where I felt fully connected to it.
You ever watch a video of Hendrix's live solos? You ever see Kobayashi eat hotdogs? You remember Heath Ledger as Joker in The Dark Knight?
The HE-1 crosses lines I never thought possible with the carriage and grace of someone who looks like they aint even trying. Like it's on some "This isn't even my final form" shit, but it’s cool about it and doesn’t brag. Of course there's effort behind it. Jimi Hendrix devoted his entire life and livelihood to Rock. Kobayashi aint an alien with four stomachs, he's just a tiny Japanese man who spent way too much of his life eating way more hotdogs than anyone thought possible. Heath Ledger was a tortured genius, and as bizarre and dumbfounding his portrayal of the Joker was it was grounded in years of success and failure the audience can’t see. Every second he was on camera the Joker seemed so goddamn real; the actor was not there. For those two and a half hours the only place the viewer cared about was Gotham City and the twisted things the Joker would do to it. We feared the Joker, but the power and respect the HE-1 commands transcends fear, it demands to be ignored instead. With the HE-1 I don't feel like I'm listening to music through anything, it's only me and the music.
Seinnheiser’s engineers devoted countless hours towards creating this beast, but this beast isn't wild or relentless; it's mighty but calm, capable but humble. It preforms feats of greatness without ever illustrating that it was even trying to begin with; it moves mountains like I make coffee in the morning. Every part of this system is designed to remove itself from the equation leaving just the music and the listener and nothing in between. When it hits you, you feel no pain.
Cannabis intensifies experience. Mary Jane is a soothing mistress who strips you of your insecurities and worries leaving you with nothing but the present. It lets me be comfortable with myself, so that I can focus on listening to what I love without all the bullshit in between. The HE-1 gave me a glimpse of the White Whale audiophiles around the world chased for all these years, and I'm thankful to Seinnheiser and Canjam for providing me with this opportunity. I'll probably listen to it again next year if I manage to get a slot, but I feel completely satisfied having heard it once. Ganja aint no joke, if you haven't listened to high-end gear while high I highly recommend it.
Don’t call me Ishmael, but this Whale is worth chasing.
submitted by Moobiful to headphones [link] [comments]

the most brutal line from every (recent-ish) battle

this is just my humble opinion, (starting from season 5)
-Deadpool vs Boba Fett: “I’m a legend, you’re a trend. You ain’t got half the skills I got!”
-Tolkien vs Martian “You even LARPed your Santa Clause ass through Vietnam!”
-Gordon Ramsey vs Julia Child “You can’t test me with your fatty recipes, call your book: Mastering The Art of Heart disease!”
-Fredrick Douglas vs Thomas Jefferson “This ain’t Louisiana man, I ain’t buying it! You talk about freedom, but you ain’t applying shit!”
-James Bond vs Austin Powers “As a matter of fact, I’ve got a knack for licking old cunts. After I beat you, I’ll kick the shit out of the man that does your stunts!”
-Banner vs Jenner “Kept up with the Kardashians but left some kids behind”
-The Greats vs Ivan The Terrible “Such sick shit going through your brain that you stuck a spike through your own son!”
-Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton “You wanna talk about misogyny, your bills are worse than Cosby!”
-Charles Darwin vs Ash Ketchum “Man, if that’s true, than nature is cruel! Cause the only thing you’re winning is your cousins gene pool! You lost three children, while they were still small. TB and Scarlet Fever, gotta catch em all!”
-Stevie Wonder vs Wonderwoman “With plots so thin, even I can see through!”
-Wayne Gretzky vs Tony Hawk “You and I have so many World Records between us, 184- That’s plenty of ‘em! And I’ve settled 183 of them!”
-Theodore Roosevelt vs Winston Churchill “My parents died when they were young and it was morbid, but at least they didn’t ditch me when they were alive, like yours did”
-NicePeter vs EpicLLOYD 2 “You manipulate your friends then you throw them away, I don’t know who you shit on worse: myself, or Dante!”
-Elon Musk vs Mark Zuckerberg “I’ve been looking up your family, it gets dark- My god! Couldn’t clean your daddies laundry with apar-Tide Pods!”
-Kruger vs Wolverine “You’re a pedophile from the Midwest. At least R. Kelley could sing!”
-Guy Fawkes vs Che Guevara “Face it, Ernesto. You’re Castro but less so! He’s Cuba commander, you’re more of the Destro!”
-Fast Food “And McDonald’s gave your job to a box with a face, left you behind. Like a quiet kid in a play place:(“
-Comedians “I’d have attacked you two first, but your hearts beat me to it!”
-Jacques Cousteau vs Steve Irwin “Take a look how destructive your old films are. Silent World? More like Silent Worldstar!”
-Mother Theresa vs Sigmund Freud “I help people live, you watch people die. To get souls, for a man in the sky. You took credit that you didn’t deserve, you’re the fakest sister act since Whoopi Goldberg!”
-Vlad The Impaler vs Count Dracula “You leached my name, you pale son of a bitch. And your weak-ass gets beat by the sun at the beach”
-The Joker vs Pennywise “Pennywise likes the devil, we have so much fun together. But nobodies dying to play with Joker:( EXCEPT FOR MAYBE HEATH LEDGER!!”
-Thanos vs Oppenheimer “You wanna talk about death? How about the one that looked at you and swiped left”
Of course, none of these will ever be as brutal as Cleopatra’s miscarriage line
Leave some personal favorites in the comments!!:)
submitted by allcopsarebonkers to ERB [link] [comments]

Thoughts, Quotes, Randoms and Summaries of Movies

The Prestige:
The prestige is about two stage magicians and their journey from partners to rivals. In this Christopher Nolan masterpiece these two men find themselves at odds following a catalytic tragedy. A usual stage trick of theirs involved Julia, Robert Angier’s (played by Hugh Jackman) wife, being tied and locked up then lowered into a locked glass cage filled with water, which she then would escape from. Starting off all as friends, things were going peachily until Alfred Borden (played by Christian Bale) decided to change up the act and use a different and more difficult knot for the trick. This was against the wishes of Angier but Borden still wanted to go through with it. That night on the stage Julia wasn’t able to get out. In one of the most frustrating scenes I can think of in cinematic history, Borden and Angier (Batman and Wolverine) watch idly by in horror as Cutter (played by Michael Caine, or more famously known as Alfred) is trying to break the glass detaining Julia. Because Borden made the change without Angier knowing beforehand this caused a rivalry that continued to spiral end escalate throughout the years. As competing magicians they continually and tirelessly worked to disclose each other’s new tricks and sabotage their acts. The actions of sabotage eventually lead them to extremes which result in tragic consequences. It starts with tricks such as catching a bullet. Once Angier discovers the trick he sabotages Borden, ultimately leading to Borden losing a finger. The final magic tricks from each involves cloning, prison, and murder? A star studded cast of Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Scarlett Johansson and many more, this is one movie that deserves to be watched by all.
Thor Ragnarok:
Thor Ragnarok in my opinion is the greatest of all 23 currently released marvel movies. Taika Waititi is a creative genius and was allowed to use those skills in his adaptation for this movie. The aesthetic makeup of this movie is bold, vibrant and quite simply childish, exactly something you would anticipate the inner workings of Taika’s mind to be like. What makes this film different from all the rest is the lightheartedness and quality humor that percolates throughout the entirety of this theatric masterpiece. Snide humor such as Thor and Hulk’s reunion in the arena of Sakar when Thor says “we’re friends from work” to the spectators. This line was a from a Make-A-Wish child who suggested it for the scene when he visited the set. Nearly every scene with Korg is an instant favorite, filled with one-liners made even better by the New Zealand accent. To top Korg off he is played by none other than director Taika Waititi. One thing that I did find irksome however was highlighted when watching “how it should have ended”. In the film Thor is easily incapacitated by a shocking device that is planted on him by Valkyrie. It makes you question how, if the device works so effectively on Thor then why wouldn’t they use it on Hela? The biggest change in this movie from the others, for Thor’s character perspective at least (pre endgame), was when Stan Lee hacked off his luscious locks. It seemed to completely change my image of the character but for the better. Originally, I hated that they would do such a thing. However, I like the new look and once he went back to long hair I found myself almost longing for the short haired version. When people who are against Marvel/ Superhero movies for some reason this is the film to suggest. It isn’t like all the others which cause you to feel almost comatose because the atmosphere, storyline, or whatever is not the same. Instead of responding to the question of “how was the movie” with “it was a typical superhero flick” Thor Ragnarok warrants a better response, a positive response, one that doesn’t group it with all the other superhero movies.
The Patriot:
Mel Freaking Gibson. This film is a journey and a half of the American Revolutionary war. Here’s the storyline given on IMDB
“It is 1776 in colonial South Carolina. Benjamin Martin, a French-Indian war hero who is haunted by his past, now wants nothing more than to live peacefully on his small plantation, and wants no part of a war with the most powerful nation in the world, Great Britain. Meanwhile, his two eldest sons, Gabriel and Thomas, can't wait to enlist in the newly formed "Continental Army." When South Carolina decides to join the rebellion against England, Gabriel immediately signs up to fight...without his father's permission. But when Colonel William Tavington, British dragoon, infamous for his brutal tactics, comes and burns the Martin Plantation to the ground, tragedy strikes. Benjamin quickly finds himself torn between protecting his family and seeking revenge along with being a part of the birth of a new, young, and ambitious nation.”
One of the greatest cinematic antagonists Col. William Tavington is the catalyzing factor for all sorts of emotional highs. Being the cause for the deaths of Benjamin Martin’s children at the onset of the movie, you find yourself cringing each time he makes an appearance. If you’re familiar with the Game of Thrones T.V. series then you will understand well when I say he gives the same emotional trauma as King Joffrey did. It’s not only because he killed Eddard Stark but the way he did it that caused you to despise him, among other things, that draws remarkable contrast to the emotional “attachment” you feel towards Colonel Tavington. It doesn’t help that one of the son’s he kills is portrayed by the late Heath Ledger. Two fun facts about Heath Ledger in relation to this film are such:
· “He didn’t work for a year because he only got offers for teen heartthrob roles. He was about to quit acting, and return to Australia, when he was cast in the film.” (And thank goodness because he is an incredible actor and we would have missed out on the greatest villain portrayal of all time in the Joker had he not remained in the acting world)
· “Heath Ledger said researching the American Revolutionary War for the film answered his question of why Americans “wave their flag so high.” “It’s because they went to hell and back to build their country.”
Being an American this film promotes ample feelings of patriotism and pride. Despite the fictional aspects it is always a great addition to any movie when applicable. Something about being reminded that the United States of America is the greatest and most skilled, powerful and dangerous militaristic forces can’t be undersold (some other great movie examples are Lone Survivor, 13 Hours and American Sniper)
Crying can be defined as: “to utter inarticulate sounds, especially of lamentation, grief, or suffering, usually with tears.” This emotion is not an unusual one to experience when watching your typical rom-com or drama, even a pixar or dreamworks animation can cause the waterworks to start flowing. Maybe there is something wrong with me but I have never been brought to the point of tears while watching a movie. Not when they put down Marley in Marley and Me, nor when Iron Man died at the end of Endgame, not even when Mufasa was killed by Scar in the Lion King (and we all know that that is at least in the top 3 of the saddest cinematic scenes of all time). So, how is it that the closest I got to crying was in a movie whose storyline is:
“Two brothers face the fight of a lifetime - and the wreckage of their broken family - within the brutal, high-stakes world of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighting in Lionsgate's action/drama, WARRIOR. A former Marine, haunted by a tragic past, Tommy Riordan returns to his hometown of Pittsburgh and enlists his father, a recovered alcoholic and his former coach, to train him for an MMA tournament awarding the biggest purse in the history of the sport. As Tommy blazes a violent path towards the title prize, his brother, Brendan, a former MMA fighter unable to make ends meet as a public school teacher, returns to the amateur ring to provide for his family. Even though years have passed, recriminations and past betrayals keep Brendan bitterly estranged from both Tommy and his father. But when Brendan's unlikely rise as an underdog sets him on a collision course with Tommy, the two brothers must finally confront the forces that tore them apart, all the while waging the most intense, winner-takes-all battle of their lives.“
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is not the most emotionally stimulating category but yet this movie was able to bring me nigh unto tears, twice. The first was a scene involving Tommy Conlon (portrayed by the talented Tom Hardy) and his father Paddy Conlon (played by Nick Nolte). Throughout the film you feel bad for Paddy as he is just trying to make amends for the terrible father figure he was, on his journey to find his way back into either of his sons polar opposite lives. It climaxes for him when he is at the casino and is emotionally destroyed by his son. You next see him in his hotel suite listening to a tape recorder and drunk (which destroyed his sobriety that he had been working so hard on so he could be allowed back into Brendan Conlon’s life). Tommy takes over and helps his father get into bed then comforts him as he sobs himself to sleep in his son’s arms. The second scene is the finale. Brothers Tommy and Brendan fight their way through a major tournament to ultimately meet each other in the championship. Here’s the script of the final scene:
“Brendan climbs into the cage as the house LIGHTS DIM. The
crowd is going bonkers. And they EXPLODE when Tommy appears
at the end of the tunnel with his hoodie up and begins his
march toward the cage.
The Marines shower him with cheers and "Hoo-ahs." The girls
scream. The rest of the audience stamps their feet and chants
his name. But he acknowledges no one, and the hard look on
his face never wavers.
Fenroy and the crew on the edge of their seats, all staring
at the big screen.
A nervous Paddy sits in the back of the cab as the DRIVER
navigates through holiday traffic.
And here it is. The two brothers face to face in the middle
of the ring, staring each other down. Tommy with his usual
controlled fire, Brendan intense, searching his brother's
eyes for some flicker of recognition.
Gentlemen, this is the final. Five
rounds. I expect a clean fight.
Obey my commands at all times.
Defend yourselves at all times.
Touch gloves, go back, let's do
As Rosenthal finishes his instructions, Brendan peers into
Tommy's empty corner.
Where's Pop?
Tommy turns without answering. All business. Brendan returns
to his corner. Looks at Tess. So much emotion on her face.
Gentlemen, are you ready? Are you
ready? Let's go to war!
Tommy comes right after his brother. Just like with his
previous three opponents. A natural wrecking machine. Frank
screams at Brendan to stay calm, but Tommy is all over him,
POUNDING on him with savage intensity. As bad as the other
fights were for Brendan, this one is worse.
The crowd is tense and subdued. It's not going well.
Fenroy and company thoroughly enjoying themselves.
Tommy continues to batter Brendan, then he swoops in, picks
him up, and SLAMS his big brother into the ground. Then he
does it again. And again. And again.
Brendan, the wind knocked out of him, is on his back, trying
to protect himself from Tommy, who mounts him and starts
blasting away with a BLUR of lefts and rights. The only thing
that saves Brendan is the HORN. Which Tommy ignores, blasting
his brother with a brutal CHEAP SHOT to the jaw well after
the round had ended.
What was that!
C'mon, Josh!
Brendan lays on the ground as Josh Rosenthal pulls Tommy off
him and admonishes him for the cheap shot. Tommy stares at
Brendan. You want more?
Frank runs into the cage with the stool and Brendan limps
over to him and sits down. Brendan stares at Tommy, who paces
in his corner like a caged animal.
Sit down. Look at me. Look at me,
Brendan! Let it go! Breathe.
Beethoven. He's coming hard, just
like we planned. I want you to
angle out, hit, and move.
Angle out, hit, and move.
Good. Breathe. Relax. He's not your
brother, right? He's just a guy
who's in the way.
Josh Rosenthal claps his hands. It's time. Frank glares at
him as he picks up the stool.
I'm taking a little more time for
the cheap shot! Do your job, Josh!
Tess sits uncomfortably in her chair. Her husband's face is a
mess. In front of her, Callen and Sheridan commiserate. J.J.,
the TapouT crew, and Colt Boyd look on. The electricity in
the crowd is greater than ever. They want a champion.
Very quiet at the Drive-In. It's tough for everyone to watch
what's happening to Brendan.
The Marines in the crowd are all on their feet, screaming for
Tommy to end it. The chant starts up again. 15,000 strong.
"Tommy! Tommy! Tommy!" Frank tries to instruct Brendan, but
he can't hear him, and he's too overwhelmed.
Tommy presses Brendan against the cage and does the same
thing Koba did. He lifts him off the ground, carries him on a
dead run, and body SLAMS him so hard the cage shakes. Then
Tommy mounts him and starts pounding away again.
The HORN sounds ending the round, but this time it's Brendan
who pops up and pushes Tommy. Tommy shoves him back.
Rosenthal has to separate them as the crowd roars its
Here we go, Mom! Time to lock up
your china, the boys are at it
Fenroy and company watching the big screen.
Again, Tommy is on top of Brendan, trying to ground and pound
him into submission. Frank, leaning on the apron nearby,
screams at Brendan.
Switch! Switch!
Tommy tries to pound Brendan out, but Brendan latches on to
Tommy's arm, wraps his legs around him, and REVERSES
position, just as he did with Midnight, the Dane, and Koba.
Tommy is in deep trouble. Brendan pushes him face down on the
canvas and cranks his shoulder. There's no escape.
Oh my God, that's a deep omoplata!
He's doing it again! Conlon's doing
it again! This is going to be over!
Brendan applies intense pressure. Tommy's shoulder is
contorted, WRENCHED backwards, and his face is a mask of
pain. Tommy's in agony, but he won't give in.
Tap, Tommy!
Tommy SHRIEKS like an animal, but still won't quit. In fact,
he elbows Brendan in the face in defiance. Brendan in turn
cranks the shoulder even more. It's at the breaking point.
The shoulder twists. Twists. And then, audible only to Tommy
and Brendan, CRACK. Dislocated. Then the HORN ending the
Brendan, worried he hurt his brother, leans over to see if
Tommy's alright, but Tommy, like a wounded animal, leaps up
and grabs Brendan around the throat with his one good arm. He
shoves him all the way across the cage and into the fence,
and it takes Rosenthal and Frank to separate them.
The crowd fired up by Brendan's comeback, and mesmerized by
what's taking place in the cage between the brothers. It's
complete and utter chaos in there.
Sheer amazement that Tommy didn't submit.
Tommy, flap down, tears of pain pouring down his face, stands
defiantly in his corner. In the other corner, Frank attends
Brendan. In the crowd, Tess covers her mouth. She can't
believe what Tommy allowed to happen to him.
Frank puts the stool down and gives Brendan some water.
Brendan's face is wracked with guilt and concern over his
I popped his shoulder.
Relax, breathe.
I heard it tear.
You popped his shoulder? Good. I
want you to pop his other shoulder.
This is not what Brendan wants to hear. He looks over to Josh
Frank snaps. Grabs Brendan by the face.
Hey! Hey! No Josh! Look at me! You
got two rounds left! You need both
rounds! Go in there, kick him in
the head, take him down, and finish
Rosenthal claps his hands. Frank exits the cage. The wounded
Tommy stands in his corner, his ruined left arm hanging low.
Brendan makes eye contact with him.
Tommy! What are you doing?
Shut up! C'mon.
What are you that crazy?
Let's go to war!
The BELL sounds. Round Four begins. Tommy throws useless
right jabs. He's one handed and has no chance. Brendan stays
away from him, not wanting to hurt his brother.
What are you doing? It's over!
Frank screams at Brendan from cageside to take the wounded
Tommy out, but Brendan is reluctant.
It's over, Tommy. C'mon. We don't
have to do this.
Tommy and Brendan circle each other. Tommy throwing rights
and wincing in agony at any movement. Brendan stares at him.
Everything about him says "Quit, Tommy." But Tommy won't.
Paddy runs up the tunnel, his All Access pass around his
neck, and enters the arena. Sees Brendan and Tommy in the
cage. Quickly figures out what the situation is.
Zito and the kids staring at the screen, imploring Brendan to
take the helpless Tommy out and win the championship.
Brendan continues to circle and not engage. Frank is livid.
He knows he'll lose the fight on the judges' scorecards if he
doesn't do something.
Finish him! You finish him!
Tommy keeps throwing defiant right jabs at Brendan. Finally,
with no choice, Brendan fires back. He batters the
defenseless Tommy up against the cage and POUNDS away at him,
blasting his left shoulder with punches that make Tommy wince
in pain. It's anyone's guess how he can take it.
Brendan presses his brother up against the cage. Begging him
to quit. But Tommy merely responds by elbowing Brendan in the
face again. This sets the older brother off, and he resumes
pounding on Tommy until the HORN sounds and Rosenthal pulls
Brendan away.
Break! Break!
Brendan heads back to his stool as Tommy leans against the
cage in agony. The Marines scream for him, but his eyes are
glazed over. It's unthinkable that he hasn't broken yet.
From near cageside, Paddy looks to the corner and makes eye
contact with Brendan. They exchange a small look of
understanding. A NOD. They both know what needs to be done.
The crowd wants a victory. Tito and the boys start the "Mis-
ter C!" chant again.
Tommy and Brendan stand for Round Five. Tommy's face is
battered after Round Four and Brendan's face is ruined.
In the crowd, the "Tommy" CHANT begins in earnest. In fact,
it may be louder than ever. Having done the impossible and
carried on with one arm, Tommy is more superhuman and heroic
than ever before. But his face tells another story. Soaked in
pain and anguish. All his stoic walls crumbling down.
All eyes riveted to the screen, where the brothers circle
each other as in the fourth round.
Brendan SLAMS Tommy to the ground. His face is contorted in
merciless pain. Brendan slips his forearm under Tommy's neck
and squeezes. Tommy struggles, but he's got one arm and
there's NO ESCAPE. His face getting red from lack of oxygen.
As an anguished Tess and a shaken Paddy look on, Brendan
CHOKES his brother. As he does, he pleads with him.
I'm sorry, Tommy! I'm sorry!
Tommy continues to struggle.
Tap, Tommy! Tap!
Tears pour down Tommy's face. Brendan is crushing his wind
pipe. Tommy's eyes bulge.
I love you, Tommy! I love you!
Tommy, about to pass out, no more air to breathe, slowly
opens his left hand, looks at Brendan, and TAPS his shoulder
on the Conlon family crest. Finally submitting.
While most of the crowd erupts in celebration and the kids
leap into each other's arms, Joe Zito stares at the screen.
Frank makes eye contact with the jubilant Tess. Indicates she
should meet them in the locker room. Meanwhile, people pour
into the cage. Frank pushes them aside, keeping them away
from Brendan and Tommy, who remain on the ground, exhausted.
Tommy to begins to WEEP.
Silence at Colt's. Everyone spent from what they've seen.
Tommy buries his head in Brendan's chest. A torrent of
sobbing gushes from him, years of pain pouring out in heavy
bursts. From the crowd, Paddy stares into the cage and
watches as Brendan comforts his little brother, then helps
him to his feet.
Callen, Sheridan, and J.J. Riley make their way inside for
the post-fight interview, cameras trailing behind them. With
Frank continuing to run interference, Brendan pushes through
the crush of people, arm around Tommy, and exits the cage.
The crowd parts for Tommy and Brendan. Paddy watches them, a
tear in his eye. He's overwhelmed by the sight of his two
boys together again.
As the noise from the arena fades, the brothers walk through
the wild crowd and continue on through the tunnel, arm in
For me, the part the just punched me right through the gut was when Brandon started talking to Tommy, “I’m sorry, Tommy! I’m sorry!... Tap, Tommy! Tap!... I Love you, Tommy! I love you!”. As soon as this is all over Today by The National begins to play and it just causes you to melt inside. Warrior Is A Cinematic Masterpiece! And, if it can almost make me cry then it has my respect.
Batman Trilogy:
Batman Begins
The Beginning of one of the greatest trilogies out there. Christian Bale accepted the mantle of portraying the caped crusader and brought us one of the finest live action superhero movies. In a reversed dogmatism, the first film of the series was the worst of the three. Were I to make any changes to batman in general, in all the adaptations out there, the “batman voice” is one of my least favorite things. Why in the world does he need to talk like that? If people aren’t able to piece together who he is then changing his voice is more so just an awkward attempt to add another aspect to the film. Christopher Nolan is one of my favorite directors in Hollywood and Batman is no exception. Liam Neeson is a legend and making him the main villain, Ra’s Al Ghul,, made me happy.
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight is the best of the three, and that is because of Heath Ledger and his genius take as the Joker. Chalk full of one-liners his performance was so great that he won an academy award.
- “Do you wanna know how I got these scars?”
- “If you’re good at something, never do it for free.”
- “How about a magic trick? I’m gonna make this pencil disappear. Ta-daa! It’s… it’s gone.”
He showed off more talents than with just his acting. He directed both homemade videos that The Joker sends to GCN. As Christian Bale takes this journey of toeing the line with one of the greatest villains you’re constantly on edge, as is typical of a Christopher Nolan movie, wondering how close Batman is really going to get to breaking his one rule of killing someone. One dislike or complaint that I had for the movie was the casting choice for Rachael. Although she is Jake Gyllenhalls sister, I don’t have much care for her as an actress and feel like they could have, and should have, cast someone else in the role, especially since she does play an important part in not just The Dark Knight, but through into the next movie as well.
The Dark Knight Rises
The voice of Bane is a heavy favorite among people. Plenty of memes have been created using Tom Hardy’s portrayal of him. Despite being just 5 foot 9 inches and Christian Bale 6 foot, the camera work makes it seem as though bane is a behemoth of a man compared to him. He was too big (tone wise) from his role in Warrior so in the dark knight they made him put on a little bit more of mass to make him look like he did in the movie. I remember the scene where he picked up batman and broke his back and his dialogue “I was wondering what would break first, your spirit, or your body”. The scene sent chills throughout my body and now every time the movie is on, no matter where I am or who I am with, there is without fail at least one person who will say the line along with him. When I first heard that Anne Hathaway was going to be playing catwoman I was a little upset. However, she did an incredible job and I ended up really liking her performance and my mind was changed. In this concluding film of the trilogy I was left at the end hoping that they were going to make another film with Robin since they teased him but unfortunately that never came to fruition.
Peanut Butter Falcon:
Top 3 movies of all time. Peanut Butter Falcon is the story of three people, Zak (Zack Gottsagen), Eleanor (Dakota Johnson) and Tyler (Shia LaBeouf). Let’s start with Zak. Zak is a down-syndrome kid who is confined to a nursing home because he has no family. He loves wrestling and wants to attend his favorite wrestler’s (Salt Water Redneck) wrestling school. One night with the help of his roomie, Carl, he covers himself up with lotion and slips through the bars that were put on his window since he tried to escape just a few days prior. As he is hiding out in a boat, in just his whitey tighties, the boat is suddenly boarded and takes off through the marshes. Eleanor. Sweet Eleanor, a nursing home employee is responsible for Zak. Upon his runaway she is commanded essentially by her boss to find him before he has to report it to the authorities and government. Tyler. The getaway boat driver is the main character. He lost it all essentially when his older brother died in a car crash. In an act of retaliation he burns down a fishers equipment and jumps on his boat to escape from them. This boat had a stowaway hiding in the back who almost got him caught, that stowaway was Zak. Initially Tyler is trying to get rid of Zak as soon as they get to some civilization but since Zak is determined to get to the wrestling school Tyler agrees to help him get there (after a few unfortunate events that sort of force him into it.) So Zak and Tyler, Shia LaBeouf and a down syndrome kid, brodies, set out on their journey with Eleanor trying desperately to find Zak. Tyler and Zak develop a very special and close bond with each other as they are trekking to their destination. Eventually Eleanor catches up to them and is livid at Tyler since she ran into him a few days before and he lied about knowing anything about Zak. Zak forces Eleanor’s hand into coming with them on their journey as he throws her keys into the water. The three of them set out and become a makeshift ragtag family. This is just one of those movies that you can watch multiple times a year and not get sick of. Additionally, it is because of this film that Shia LaBeouf has started to make a resurgence into the film industry and recreated himself. If you watch an emotional video you can see how much Zak changed Shia’s life and it only adds to the connection you feel to them and their characters as you embrace this heart warming adventure tale
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who played the joker after heath ledger death video

Heath Ledger vs. Jack Nicholson as The Joker - YouTube The Joker - Heath Ledger vs Cameron Monaghan - YouTube Every Version Of The Joker Ranked From Worst To Best ... The Dark Knight Heath Ledger´s inspiration for THE JOKER on Batman THE ... What Happened To All The Actors Who've Played The Joker ... Who is Joker? Joaquin Phoenix Delivers Powerful Speech After Leading ... The Joker Laugh - Heath Ledger - Incredible Acting - YouTube Did Heath Ledger die because of The Joker? - YouTube

Heath Ledger, in an interview with New York Times, said that playing Joker in The Dark Knight was ‘physically and mentally draining’ for him. Jack Nicholson, who played the Joker in 1989 - and who was furious he wasn't consulted about the creepy role - offered a cryptic comment when told Ledger was dead. Kate Ledger has opened up about Heath Ledger's mind set after working on The Dark Knight, and has even discussed whether or not his role as The Joker ultimately contributed to his tragic death. nobody cause he completed all the filming for the movie and died 5 days after that . there not talking about the dark knight when there think about johnny depp that movie is called The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus cause heath ledger died while film that movie not the dark knight Sean Connery's Cause of Death Revealed Weeks After He Dies at Age 90 Heath Ledger / The Dark Knight The Joker, played by 53-year-old veteran voice actor Kevin Michael Richardson, Since Heath Ledger wanted his rendition of the Joker to be completely different from any previous versions, such as those played by Jack Nicholson or Cesar Romero, he isolated himself in a London... Heath Ledger's Joker is one of the most celebrated and memorable versions of the character. Ledger is the only actor to receive an Academy Award for his portrayal of the Joker, which was awarded shortly after his death at the age of 28. Heath Ledger played this role in the 2008 movie directed by Christopher Nolan. Related: Heath Ledger Hated Comic Book Movies - Then He Met Christopher Nolan After Heath Ledger’s death in 2008, months after filming wrapped, Nolan stated he wouldn’t recast nor include the Joker in The Dark Knight Rises, as there were rumors that they were planning to bring him back through unused footage from The Dark Knight.That way, the Joker’s status wasn’t addressed in the film

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Heath Ledger vs. Jack Nicholson as The Joker - YouTube

The Joker is a super villain created by Bill Finger, Bob Kane, and Jerry Robinson who first appeared in the debut issue of the comic book Batman (April 25, 1940), published by DC (1)Comics. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... Before the premiere of the movie, Heath Ledger was found dead in his hotel room, among the burned comic books and the sound of Joker's recordings. Heath Ledg... Joaquin Phoenix wins Leading Actor for Joker at the EE BAFTA Film Awards 2020.subscribe to BAFTA ⏩ out BAFTA Guru ⏩... The Joker is one of pop culture's most iconic villains, and many actors have gotten the chance to take on the role. We've stacked the Jokers against each oth... Notice: “I claim no rights to this song/video.” Claimant Warner Bros. FilmsThe Joker Laugh - Heath Ledger - Incredible Acting Talk about split personalities. Join, and in this instalment of Versus, we're pitting Heath Ledger against Jack Nicholson to see who... Quite similar isn´t it? The Joker pays Harvey Dent a visit in the hospital in this clip from The Dark Knight.★Subscribe HERE and NOW Date: July 18th, 2... Snagging a role like the Joker is something that can make or break your career. It's a daunting task and easy to mess up. But what happens after you wash all...

who played the joker after heath ledger death

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